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This is to certify that the term paper report entitled “WI-VI” submitted by “NISHANT
TIWARI” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of
Technology Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering of Jaypee Institute
of Information Technology, Noida is an authentic work carried out by her under my
supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this report is original and has not
been submitted for the reward of any other degree.

Signature of Supervisor .

Name of Supervisor : Dr. BHARTENDU CHATURVEDI

ECE Department,

JIIT, Sec-128




I hereby declare that this written submission represents my own ideas in my own words
and where other ideas and words are not being included, have been adequately cited and
referenced the original source. I also declare I have adhered to all the principles of
academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified
and ideas/data/fact/source in our submission.

Place: Noida Student Name: Nishant Tiwari

Date: Enrollment Number: 9916102008


Today, technology is increasing day by day .We all are dependent on technologies
which impact our lives in different ways .So here we are discussing a new technology
which is an advanced version of “Wi-Fi” that is “ Wi-Vi” means Wireless Vision .Wi-Fi
signals are typically information signals between a transmitter and receiver but now it
can also extend our senses because of our new technology that enables us to track
moving objects or humans behind the wall.Wi-Vi technology is based on receiving the
reflections of its own transmitted signals off moving objects behind a wall.Wi-Vi
operation does not require any access to any device,so by receiving these reflections it is
possible to image objects behind a wall or door. Wi-Vi is basically a three antenna
MIMO (Multiple input multiple output) device in which two antennas are used for
transmitting and one for receiving.If we compare this technology with old devices it is
simple,cheap and easy to use as an array of special antennas are required in earlier
technology to capture reflections and hence it becomes more expensive.Wi-Vi
technology can use as a gesture-based communication.It can enable a human who does
not carry any wireless device to communicate short devices or commands to a reciever
using simple gestures. Wi-Vi requires same bandwidth and operates in same range as
Wi-Fi,can detect objects in dark or in smoke and can detect moving objects behind the
walls without access to any device.Wi-Vi could be built into smartphones with high
quality images.Wi-Fi is a popular technology which allows an electronic device to
connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves. Wi-Fi signals are nothing but the
information carriers between transmitter and receiver. Wireless Vision (Wi-Vi) is a new
technology similar to the same concept of Wi-Fi which enables seeing through walls
with the help of Wi-Fi signals. Wi-Vi allows us to track moving humans through walls
as well as behind closed doors. Wi-Vi's operation does not require any access to any
device on the other side of the wall. Wi-Fi can also enable us to see moving objects
through walls and behind closed doors. So particularly, we can use such signals to
identify the number of people in a closed room and their relative locations also.


I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Bhartendu Chaturvedi, Department of ECE,

Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida for his invigorating guidance,

continual encouragement and supervision throughout the course of present work. I also

wish to extend my thanks to our batch mates for their insightful comments and

constructive suggestions to improve the quality of this project work.

Student Name: Nishant Tiwari

Enrollment Number: 9916102008

Certificate i

Declaration ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Wi-Vi Technology 2

2.1 How it works? 3

2.2 Tracking a human 4

2.3 Tracking multiple humans 5

Chapter 3 Gesture Based Interference 6

3.1 Gesture Encoding 7

3.2 Gesture Decoding 8

Chapter 4 Applications 9

4.1 Advantages 10

4.2 Comparison of Wi-Vi with Li-FI 10

4.3 Conclusion 10

References 11


Wi-vi is a wireless device that captures moving objects behind a wall.It functions as a
gesture based interface from behind a wall that enables humans to compose messages
and send them to wi-vi reciever.Wi-vi is essentially a 3-antenna MIMO(multiple input
multiple output)device,two of the antennas are used for transmitting and one is used for
receiving. Wi-vi is another innovation like a similar idea of Wi-Fi which empowers
seeing through walls with the assistance of Wi-Fi signals.It investigate the capability of
Wi-Fi signals and MIMO to construct a gadget that can catch movement of people
behind a wall and closed rooms. It is shown how the Wi-Vi extends its tracking
technique to multiple human.Each human will emulating a separate antenna array.Since
Wi-vi is having single antenna the receiving signal will be a superposition of antenna
arrays of moving humans in location,the multiple humans the noise will be increasing
automatically. This system used to identify a variety of gesture. There are also such
system those are capable of identifying human gestures by employing cameras or
placing sensor on the human body.Recent work has also using narrowband signals in the
range of 2.4 GHz to identify human activities in line of sight by using micro-doppler
signatures. Wi-vi, however,presents the first gesture based interface which works in non
line of sight scenarios & even through the wall and hence human is not require to carry a
wireless device or wear a sensors on their body.They enable us to see moving objects
through walls as well as behind the closed doors. So it is possible with the help of such
signals to identify the number of people room and their relative locations in a closed
room. We can also identify gestures made behind a wall and combine the sequence of
gestures to communicate messages or commands to a wireless receiver without carrying
any type of transmitting device. Wi-Vi means “Wi-Fi” and “Vision” which is nothing
but wireless vision. It’s a new promising technology that enables seeing through walls
using Wi-Fi signals. It also allows us to track moving objects or human through closed
rooms and behind the wall. Wi-Vi based on capturing the reflections of its own
transmitted signals off moving objects behind a wall or door in order to track them..

Its research has been done prominently at MIT’s Computer laboratory. By Dina Kitabi, a
professor in MIT’s Department of Electrical engineering and computer science , and her
graduate student Fadel Adib.The researcher has long attempted to build a device capable
of seeing people through the wall. However, few of the previous effort to develop such a
system has involved expensive and bulky radar technology that uses a part of the
electromagnetic spectrum only available to the military. Now a system being developed
by MIT researchers could give all of us ability to spot people in the different room using
low-cost Wi-Fi technology. The system called Wi-Vi is based on a concept similar to
radar and sonar imaging. But when compared with radar and sonar. Wi-Vi transmits a
low power Wi-Fi signals and also it uses its reflection to track moving human
movements. It can do so even if the humans are in a closed room or hiding behind a
wall. Wi-Fi is behind the wall as indicated by that arrow. The blue window at the bottom
shows the output of Wi-Vi. The Room is Initially empty this is why the signal is zero. A
person enters a room, as he moves away, the device shows a negative signal. when he
moves toward the device, it shows a positive signal. When he stops it outputs only the
Zero. Meaning there is no motion, even though he performs a minor movement with few
footsteps the Wi-Vi get to register the motion of the person and it sends to process.
Wireless vision is a device which operates wirelessly and captures the moving objects
behind the wall. It uses the WiFi OFDM signals in the ISM band and the WiFi hardware.
This wireless device is basically a 3 antenna MIMO device where two antennas help in
transmission while the other helps in reception. While the directional antennas used
helps in focusing the energy towards the wall.There are two modes : Mode1: Helps to
image moving objects behind the wall and track them .Mode2: The device acts
as a gesture based interface from the back of the wall. It allows the people to
send out messages and give it to the WiVi receiver.

2.1 How it works?

We are always immersed in a sea of radio waves around us. These are
transmitted by network towers, WiFi routers and our own mobile devices.The antennae
receive radio waves that bounce back from objects and humans in a room. Since radio
waves can pass through walls, the receiver can pick up reflections from another room
too.The way these WiFi signals bounce off a moving target are different and hence it
was possible to detect human movement.Next the scientist taught a computer to learn
what each kind of radio signal meant. For this they had to train a neural network how
the radio signals bounced off different parts of the the body and translate it into 14 key
points like the head, elbow , shoulders, knees etc. This way the computer was able to
display a skeletal animation of a person moving behind a wall.

Fig 2.1: Diagramatic Representation of Wi-Vi model [1]

2.2 Tracking a human

Based on the principle of Radar and Sonar. Radar is an object detection system
which uses radio waves to determine the range ,direction or speed of objects.Any static
object that the signal hit including the wall create identical reflections, which are
cancelled out by nulling effect.Only those reflections that change between the two
signals,such as those from moving object arrive back at receiver.As the person moves
through the room , his or her distance from receiver changes,meaning the time it takes
for the reflected signal to make its way to reciever changes.The system then uses this
information to calculate where the person is at any one time.The human motion is being

tracked through the walls with the help of a technique known as Inverse Synthetic

Radar (ISAR). ISAR tracks the movement of the target. In ISAR, there is a single
receiving antenna. This antenna captures the signal being received. While the target
moves, the received signal gets sampled at successive locations. Due to the channel
reciprocity, the successive time samples are being received by the Wi-Vi, which
corresponds to the spatial locations of the moving target. Thus, the Wi-Vi will receive in
time what the antenna array will receive in space. The consecutive time samples are
treated as spatial time samples and the WiVi corresponds to the successive spatial
locations of the target moving.

Fig 2.2: Tracking single human

2.3 Tracking Multiple Humans

The Wi-Vi concept can be extended to multiple humans. Here also, the human
motion is used to emulate the antenna array. Each human emulates a single antenna.
Since, the Wi-Vi device has only a single antenna; the received signal will be the
superposition of the antenna arrays of the moving humans. The presence of multiple
humans increases the effect of noise.Also, human is not just one object, since it has
different body parts. The signal that reflects from all of the humans is correlated in time,
since they reflect the transmitted signal. Sometimes, the presence of multiple humans
can cause problems where the reflections combine which dim each other over some
period of time.With multiple humans, the noise increases significantly. On one hand,
each human is not just one object because of different body parts moving in a loosely
coupled way and on the other hand, the signal reflected off all of these humans which
are correlated in time, hence they all reflect the transmitted signal. The lack of
independence between the reflected signals is important. For example, the reflections
coming from two humans may combine systematically to dim each other for some
period of time.

Fig 2.3:Tracking Multiple Humans


Wi-Vi can enable a human who does not carry any wireless device to communicate short
messages or commands to a receiver using simple gestures. Wi-Vi represents these try of
gestures by 0 bit and 1 bit.These gestures are later composed by human to make
messages that are having completely different interpretations. In addition, Wi-Vi will
develop by exploitation different existing practices and principles like adding an easy
code that may guarantee dependability, or by reserving an exact pattern of 0 and 1s. At
this stage this technology continues to be terribly basic, nevertheless we have a
tendency to believe future advancement scan build it a lot of reliable and

Fig 3.1:Gesture based interference

3.1 Gesture Encoding
The spatial angle connecting between human to the Wi-Vi At transmitter, 0 and 1
bits are encoded using a modulation scheme. Wi-Vi implements this encoding using the
gestures. A wide range of gestures can be used to represent the bits.

Conditions for Gesture Encoding:

 The human must be in the initial state itself as at the start of the gesture.
 Gesture must be simple.
 It must be easy to detect and decode.

0 bit indicates: a step forward by a step backward.

1 bit indicates: a step backward by a step forward.

device will be positive when the human moves toward the Wi-Vi and it will be negative
when the human moves away from the Wi-Vi.

Fig 3.1:Gesture Encoding

3.2 Gesture Decoding

Gesture decoding is simple and it uses the techniques of standard communication.

The WiVi takes the input. WiFi applies two matched filters one for the step backward
and other for the step forward. WiVi applies the matched filter to the received signal and
adds up to get the output.

Fig 3.2:Gesture Decoding

So what are the applications of this technology? An obvious use is in security and crime
prevention. With the help of wivi- technology, police and law enforcement could see
through walls in a critical situation like hostage and hijack.Commercial buildings like
offices and malls can also monitor the movements throughout the building using this
technology.Emergency services like fire fighters could see persons trapped in a building
on fire. Victims of earthquake can also be found under the rubble with the help of WiFi
signals.Perhaps the most commercially profitable application could be in healthcare.
Data on daily movements and activities of patients is important information for
caretakers.This will give doctors more data to treat patients of neuro-degenerative
disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Unlike a visual camera, wivi-technology
will only capture required movements and leave out the private details of the patient’s
life.Of course anything that can see through the walls of your home will spark privacy
concerns. Governments and big corporations have been caught spying on the daily lives
of common people far too often in the past few years

4.1 Advantages of WI-VI

 Wi-Vi is relatively a low power, low cost, and accessible to average users.

 Wi-Vi requires only a few Mhz of bandwidth and operates in the same ranges as
Wi-Fi. It can perform through wall imaging without trying to access to any
device, from the other side of the wall.

 Extend human vision beyond the electromagnetic range, allowing us to detect

objects in the dark or in smoke. Wi-Vi employees signals whose wavelength are

 This system uses only one receiver still effectively measures the time it takes for
the signals to reflect to calculated the exact location.

 With low cost Wi-Fi technology system can be utilized in disaster recovery and

gaming activities.

 Wi-Vi technology, as a gesture-based interface, does not require a line of sight

between the user and the device.

4.2 Comparison of WIVI with LIFI Technology

1.Internet cannot be used without a light source. This could limit the locations and
situations in which Li-Fi could be used,but in Wi-Vi there is no connection with light
source it can work in dark rooms also and can detect humans.

2.Because it uses visible light, and light cannot penetrate walls, the signal’s range is
limited by physical barriers. While more, secure, this limited range can be a bit annoying
but in case of Wi-Vi it can penetrate through the walls and cover more distance .

3.Other sources of light may interfere with the signal. One of the biggest potential
drawbacks is the interception of signals outdoors. Sunlight will interfere the signals,
resulting in interrupted Internet,but in Wi-Vi there is no interference with other sorces.

4.3 Conclusion

We discussed Wi-Vi, a wireless technology that uses WiFi signals to detect

moving humans behind walls or doors and also in closed rooms. As compared to
previous systems, which are targeted for the military, Wi-Vi enables the small cheap
see-through-wall devices which operate in the ISM band, rendering them feasible to the
general public. Wi-Vi also builds a communication channel between a human behind a
wall or in a closed room and device itself, allowing person to communicate directly with
Wi-Vi without carrying any of transmitting device. We believe that Wi-Vi has a set of
functionality that future Wireless networks will provide. Future Wi-Fi networks will
likely expand beyond communications and deliver facilities such as indoor localization,
sensing as well as control. Wi-Vi gives evidence of advanced form of Wi- Fi-based
sensing and localization by using Wi-Fi to track humans behind wall without carrying
any wireless device.


[1]Sudarshan Adeppa, “Detection of Objects across the Walls with Wi-Fi Technology”,
International Journal on EmergingTechnologies, 2015.

[2]S. Ram and H. Ling, “through-wall tracking of human movers using join doppler and
array processing,”, 2008, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

[3]Prerna Garg, Shikha, “Wi-Vi Technology”, 2013, International Journal ofAdvance

Research In Science And Engineering.

[4]K. Chetty, G. Smith, and K. Woodbridge, “Through-the-wall sensing of personnel

using passive bistatic wifi radar at stand off distances,”, 2012. IEEE Trans. Geoscience
and Remote Sensing,

[5]Adib, Fadel, and Dina Katabi, “See through Walls with WiFi,”, 2013. Proceedings of
the ACM SIGCOMM Conference.

[6] M Murugan, Mr. G Sathish “See-through wall using Wi-Vi” International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering Research.

[7] Manupalli Uma Maheshwar Rao, Bala Brahmeswara kadaru” 2017 A study on
future scope of Wi-Vi technology” International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET),


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