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Omila, Raegel Sara C.

XII- Massa

A Film Review

Title of the Video “Ded na si Lolo (2009)”

Major players of the characters in the video Charing


Major themes about culture that you Superstitions

recognize Family

The personal insight that I have gained after

What personal insights have you gained after watching the film is that culture really varies
watching the video from one society to another. I say this because
as I was viewing, I found their beliefs to be
quite odd; specifically, their pamahiin or
superstitions that they follow during a wake.
But then I have no right to judge as it is what
they believe in. Also, another personal insight
is that while watching the film, I observed
some of their superstitions are what my family
also follows, meaning that culture can be
shared. As the movie was filmed way back
2009, the beliefs that were mentioned there
are still existing up to this day and is practiced
by some people, despite of not being part of
the same culture.

The 2009 drama-comedy entitled Ded na si Lolo, follows the timeline of the death of Lolo
to his wake up until his funeral. It portrays the scenes that usually occur in a wake, following
siblings who have not seen each other for some time and takes care of the funeral service of their
father. As the story progress, there are some conflicts that occur between them that came from past
issues that have been withheld for years. But then those problems are being resolved as answers
were given to questions that gave them hollow feelings way back their days. The end of the movie
comes as the family sends their father to his grave.
The movie presented a realistic scenario and surprisingly found a way to insert a comedic
element very smoothly in a melancholic moment. It wasn’t awkward and I commend the director
and his team for such amazing work. As I was watching the film, it was really funny and almost
relatable. Also, I realized that this is a reality to some people. Somehow, it feels as if reality was
being documented and shown to the public as a movie. All the elements of the wake are seen: the
crying, the gambling, the reunion of family members, and the superstitions. After watching the
movie, I felt that somehow there is a connection that despite of that the movie was created some
time ago. I was moved in some way as beliefs practiced from then on is still surviving in such a
technological world.

The particular aspect of culture that were present in the film that I noticed whilst watching
the video are the customs and the mores that was constantly given focus by the movie. Specifically,
the superstitions that were always pointed out about the major players of the movie. It is also
considered as one of the themes that can be observed throughout the film. Other themes that were
present is love and family. Love is one of the themes as the care and concern of the siblings towards
one another is evident, and this can also be the same explanation for the theme of family. It is also
considered as a theme since the solidarity of the siblings despite of conflicts between one another
is still seen and they support each other through the tough time that they experienced, which was
the death of their father.

Somehow, the themes that are present in the film can be considered as universal, especially
love in different aspects. As the themes are considered to be universal, it is most likely that those
are also present in different societies. Although, they vary from one society to another. And how
strongly they grasp these themes in their group. The themes love, family, and superstitions are
very prevalent among the Filipinos and most likely the most common ones, especially family as
Filipinos really value family, unlike other cultures or societies. In connection with family is the
theme of love wherein one shows care and support to another. The theme that is not that much
present in other cultures but is very rich and still practiced are the superstitions. Although at some
point it is irrelevant to be followed, people still follow such belief as there in no harm in doing so.

In the end, every culture has their own set of beliefs and values that are sometimes quite
similar to one another, but still there are still some aspects that makes it unique and distinguishable
from one another.

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