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I chose to include ILA #1 in my e-portfolio because, although I later switched topics for my

research paper, ILA #1 pertains to my interests and curiosities. As a business major who is
currently taking economics, I am interested in different aspects of market economies. Bitcoin is a
sub-market of the economy. Prior to my research for this project, I had read about bitcoin in the
Wall Street Journal. I knew it is gaining popularity among investors, but because it is new, the
future profitability of bitcoin remains unclear. Bitcoin is a complex subject, so I struggled to
fully understand it despite the articles I read. My lack of understanding motivated me to research
bitcoin for the ILA assignment. In my research, I learned that bitcoin is a digital asset, in which
the value of money is digital rather than physical. Bitcoin is growing in predominance due to the
internet. It is advantageous because it is a universal currency, so international trade is easier. On
the other hand, people are hesitant to use bitcoin, since its value fluctuates based on market
supply and demand.

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