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For this project, you are the program supervisor for an agency of your choice. It is your responsibility to plan and design two
(2) different programs, each of which must run for at least 6 sessions during one season (can run longer if desired). Programs
may be designed for the life stage of your choice (use the same life stage for both program) and may fall under the functional
program area of your choice (use the same FPA for both programs). Each of the programs should utilize a different program
For this part of the assignment, complete the following information:
YOUR NAME: Ryley Rasmussen
NAME OF AGENCY: Sacred Heart Wilderness School
Brief description of agency, including location, type (commercial, municipal, private non-profit, etc.), size
and demographic characteristics of population served, areas and facilities owned or used:
Sacred Heart Wilderness School is a commercial organization that is meant to train groups in back country practices and
survival skills in order to prepare them for an expedition of their own. We will usually run about 6 trips a season with trip
sizes useually consist of 8-15 members usually ranging from the ages of 18 to 50. The trips consist of 3 days of preperations
and 3 days hiking in the back country. Along with this we have a staff of 8 to 14 instructors working at a time. We operate
mainly in the Adirondack region in NY but are not limited to that area.

FUNCTIONAL PROGRAM AREA: Arts & crafts; hobbies ___Aquatics

Music, dance, & drama ___ Fitness & wellness
X Environmental activities/Adventure ed ___ Travel & tourism
Sports & games ___ Service/volunteer opportunities

LIFE STAGE(s): Young Childhood (5-7 years)

_ Middle Childhood (8-11 years)
Young Adolescence (12-14 years)
Adolescence (15-17 years)
X Young Adult (18-25)
X Middle Adult (26-40)
Older Adult (41-60)
Seniors (61+)

SEASON: Fall (Sept. - Dec.)

(Check ONE) Winter/Spring (Jan. - April)
X Summer (May - Aug.)

PROGRAM FORMAT: (Check a DIFFERENT FORMAT for each program and list the title of each below. Be creative!)

X Social (Activity Club) PROGRAM TITLE:Adirondack High Peak Adventure

X Competition (tournaments) PROGRAM TITLE:Jedi Academy Tournament

B. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY -- For the functional program area you selected (e.g., music, dance, & drama),
research and compile an annotated bibliography of resources for program ideas in this area of the field. You should include
web sites, books, periodicals, pamphlets, etc., in your list. For each resource listed, include one or two descriptive sentences
focusing on the usefulness of the source, significant features, uniqueness, etc. Minimum of 15 sources!


This website has the information about all of the high peak mountains.

This website has information on guides in the high peaks and various recreational activities.

This is a wilderness school website that is located in the Adirondack region in NY.

This website lists various workshops that would be offered by wilderness programs.

Offers some information on running an inclusive program for youth at risk.

This website offers various workshop and long term wilderness programs.

Lists different outdoor programs and the different schools that offer them.

NOLS offers course in first aid, expedition, basically everything.

Tom Brown Jr has been running program and has written books having to do with survival and wilderness skills.

Discusses risk management in the back country which is essential to running safe programs.

Lists traits and requirements of outdoor program leaders.

Describes a large variety of outdoor activities that you can do in the Adirondacks.

Programs to help youth by getting them outdoors.

Offers wide range of programs both educational and recreational.

Specifics about rock climbing in the Adirondacks

Name: Ryley Rasmussen

A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS -- For both of your programs, prepare a program description (for
a total of two (2) descriptions). The following format should be used for each program description (i.e.,
list #1-#11 and provide the information in list format unless narrative form is requested):
1. Name of program: Jedi Academy Summer Camp
2. Life stage: 13-16-year-old
3. Program format: Educational Wilderness Camp
4. Program goals:
 Children will show respect for themselves, others, and nature.
 Children will demonstrate technical skills taught such as carving, fire making, basic
combat, tracking and more
 Children will begin to understand the concepts of peace making, energy within nature,
and the idea of meditation.
 Children will demonstrate safety protocol when dueling, carving, or other moderately
risky activities.
5. Description of program: Children will spend the week immersed in their own Star Wars world
out in the woods. During the week they will the learn the ways of the Force (in nature), as they construct
their very own lightsaber while learning about sustainable harvesting. The students will become
padawans and develop their own Star Wars story while learning valuable survivals skills in nature. This
program will help children develop social skills by interacting with each other and learning the Jedi
code. The participants will also spend all week training with practice sabers for the end of camp light-
saber tournament. The tournament will be held double elimination with chances for the top 5 to win
prizes. Dueling will be scored similar to fencing where points will be earned by hitting opponent torso or
6. Time schedule – Monday-Saturday 8am-3pm
Saturday tournament goes to end.

7. Location of the program – Forest area with impact zones such as campsites as well as trails for
exploring. (ADK National Park)
8. Staff/personnel -- name the person(s) leading/teaching/supervising the program, including their
 Lead Instructor
o WFA/CPR tarts at
o 2 Years outdoor instructor Experience
o Knowledge of Star Wars
 2- Assistant Instructor/CIT
o First Aid/CPR
o Knowledge of Star Wars
o Experience in Outdoor Programs
9. Resources
a. Resources provided by the participant -- actual supplies/equipment required and/or fee
charged (give an approximate amount or simply say, "An appropriate fee will be charged to cover the
cost of ....[list supplies/equipment]"). Be thorough -- think of every detail.
 Participants will be required to register for camp and pay fee for entry.
 Participants will need to bring appropriate clothes for being outside hiking around in
summer but have extra or change of clothes in case of weather change.
 Hiking boots that are meant to get wet.
 Lunch, snack, and water bottle,
 Sunscreen, bug spray, hat
 Rain Gear

b. Resources provided through the supporting agency -- provided by the agency and/or
arrangements made to borrow, rent, or lease from another source. Identify the source. Remember to
include indirect costs.
 Restrooms optional – depends area if national forest free to use
 Trails and forest area ^^
 Equipment such as saws, knives, ropes, bandana, tarps

10. Participation -- minimum AND maximum enrollment

11. Adaptations or modifications (if necessary. For instance, what happens to the program if it rains
or if the building burns down, etc.?)
If it begins to rain the program will continue to go on. We will make a camp and set up tarps and
continue to do activities. If it thunders, we will return to vehicles until the storm passes. Since the
program is held outside it is flexible to change locations if there are hazards such as animals, poison ivy,
ground wasps, etc. If anyone in the group have allergies some snacks will be prohibited to accommodate
the allergy.

Name: Ryley Rasmussen

1. Name of program: Adirondack High Peaks Expedition

2. Life Stage: 18-55 years old (or good health)

3. Program Format: Educational Expedition

4. Program Goals:
 Participants will safely complete the trail and maintain a state of flow.
 Participants will work together to pack for trip and share group equipment among
 Participants will demonstrate the ability to set up camp, properly cook and clean meals, and
hike while maintaining LNT principles
5. Description of Program:

Students will spend 6 days in the high peak region. The participants will spend 1 day at hart lake assembling gear,
reviewing maps, learning about the area, safety measures, and anything else they need to know. Students will camp at
Hart lake and wake up early the next morning starting a four day hike leading to Wright, Algonquin, Iroquois, Skylight,
Colden, Mt, Marshall, Haystack and Marcy peaks. Along the way students will spend time learning about Alpine plants
that are endangered and how over hiking is becoming more of an issue. Participants will have ample free time to explore
different trails or even learn some technical skills such as knot tying, cooking, and more. The last day will be spent
concluding the trip with a circle discussion about the trip and group campfire at the end.
Time Schedule 6-day expedition:
Day 1: Meet at Hart lake to gather supplies, learn the route, learn LNT principles and guidelines for the Adirondacks
region and camp at Hart lake.
Day 2 Hike Algonquin, Wright, and Iroquois. Camp at lake Colden.
Day 3 Staying at camp and hiking to nearby peaks such as Colden and Mt. Marshall, camping at Colden again.
Day 4 Hike Gray, Skylight and Marcy, and camp in Panther Gorge.
Day 5 Hike to Haystack and then camp at Marcy dam
Day 6 arrive back and conclude program
7. Location: The Adirondack Lodge at Hart Lake
8. Staff/Personnel:
Lead Guide:
 5 Years guiding experience
 Familiar with High Peak Regions and Procedures
 Certified Camping and Backpacking guide

Assistant Guides 3
 2 years guiding

Summit Steward
 Works for High Peaks Park
 Knowledgeable about alpine plants

9. Resources:
 Resources provided by the participant:
o Fee to cover food, paying guides and acquiring permit.
o Equipment such as backpack, hiking boots, clothes etc

 Resources provided through the supporting agency:

o Tents
o Food
o Maps and Compasses
o First aid supplies
o Emergency radio

10. Participation:
Minimum enrollment- 5 adults
Maximum enrollment- 8 adults

11. Adaptations:
o If the trail is closed the trip could be preplanned to further time or refunds to
o Rain or lightning the group will have to take shelter and make do with storms.
o Injury in group will lead to delay to take care of it or evacuation if serious if now.

REC 280 - Reflection Activity #3: Gantt Chart

Name: Ryley Rasmussen Program Name: Jedi Academy Summer Camp

A. Choose one of your programs for your Programming Project for which you want to draft a GANTT chart.

B. Complete the following steps to create a PERT chart for this day’s program:
1. Brainstorm the tasks that went into the planning, preparation, implementation, clean-up, and evaluation of this day’s program.
(No need to pay attention to the order in which they happen – just brainstorm!)

Planning Tasks:
 Review Star Wars movies and stories
 Assign roles (kid checker, parking lot, registration, engagers)
 Planning week over all story and key ideas and topics that should be hit during week.
 Planning specific activities for next day after first day finishes
 Scout area planning on using
 Go over safety principles on running duels

Preparation Tasks:
 Mark overcrowded saplings
 Hide crystals
 Buy snacks, water coolers, and other food
 Stock bathrooms
 Set up registration table /check in
 Set up Jedi arena
 Go over teaching knife safety

Implementation Tasks:
 Run Check in/out table
 Morning/Closing circles
 Assign story teller for day
 Cut down saplings for sabers
 Carving
 Dueling Practice
 Dueling Tournament
 Filling Water Jugs
 Making Food

Clean-Up Tasks:

 Empty water jugs

 Break down basecamps
 Clean up trash
 Take down check in table
 Clean bathrooms
 Disappear fires

Evaluation Tasks:
 Camp evaluation
 Daily feedback
 End of week feedback
 Participation feedback
 End of week survey
2. In the first column of the chart on the next 2 pages, plot these tasks (from above) in the order in which they would
3. Determine how long (i.e., how many days) would be involved with each task.

Gantt Chart - Program Name: Jedi Academy

Tasks: Day (date): 6/28 6/29 6/30 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7

1. Review Star Wars movies and
2. Assign roles (kid checker, parking
lot, registration, engagers)
3. Planning specific activities for next
4. Scout area planning on using
5.Planning week over all story and key
ideas and topics that should be hit
during week.
6. Go over safety principles on running
1. Mark overcrowded saplings
2. Hide crystals
3. Buy snacks, water coolers, and other
4. Stock bathrooms
5. Set up registration table/check in
6. Set up Jedi arena
7. Go over knife safety/teaching
1. Run Check in/out table
2. Morning/Closing circles
3. Assign story teller for day
4. Carving
5. Dueling Practice
6. Dueling Tournament
7. Filling Water Jugs
8. Making Food
1. Empty water jugs
2. Break down basecamps
3. Clean up trash
4. Take down check in table
5. Clean bathrooms
6. Disappear fires
1. Camp evaluation
2. Daily feedback
3. End of week feedback
4. Participation feedback
5. End of week survey

Programming Project
Budget & Budget Memo

Name: Ryley Rasmussen

Program Budget:
Name of Program: Jedi Academy Summer Camp
Date Prepared: June 6 Prepared by: Ryley Rasmussen
Enrollment: Min:8 Max: 13
Instructor: Ryley Rasmussen
Location: Public Forest
# of Weeks: 1 Hours per Week: 8
Start Date: July 6 End Date: July 10
Anticipated Revenue:

Fee/Amt # of Participants # Sessions Total

Registration $500 13 5 $6500
T-shirts $15 13 $195
Prepaid lunch $10 6 5 $300
Donations/sponsors $200 $200
Total Revenue: $7195
Anticpated Expenditures:
# Weeks
Cost # Hrs/Week (or days) # of Personnel/Qty Needed Total
Lead instructor $15 8/1 5 1 $600
Assistant $13.50 8/1 5 3 $1610
Nature Space $650 5 $3250

a. Expendable:
Food $300 1 $300
Shirts $15 $195
b. Permanent:
Saws $20 3 $60
Knives $10 7 $70
Pricing source:
Total Expenditures: $6085
Total Revenue (from above): $7195
Account Balance: $1110

[Company Name]

To: Potential Business Sponsor/Donator

From: Ryley

cc: Sacred Heart Wilderness School

Date: May 20, 2020

Re: Sponsoring Summer Camp

This summer Sacred Heart Wilderness School is putting on a Jedi Summer Wilderness Camp to teach
kids about valuable nature skills such as tracking, fire building, plant identification and more. We are
asking businesses of the community to donate money to help with the purchase of supplies, and to help
give our participants scholarships to help with cost. To thank you we will put your business information
on our websites. Thank you for your support!

See Power Point for Promotion Plan

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