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Dear Sir

I enrolled on a course about Interpretation of seismic waves in your institute and I

noticed that in the webpage the cost of the course was one hundred soles I decided
to enrolle, but when I want to pay I had to pay more money, exactly fifty soles
more. I am very angry with this. I understand that the course is very important and
in other places, the price is more, but in fact if I had known the truth price I would
have thought better.

Now I have some problems to pay that amount and I would like that you, like the
boss, could give me an extra time to pay the total amount or in the countrary I would
like to retire from the study group.

On the other hand, I understand that maybe the sign in your webpage was a terrible
mistake and your institute is the best in this country so I did not like to have more
problems in the future.

I hope to receive your answer in the next days and that this problem never occurs

Yours faithfully

Soledad Cordova

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