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Elena Bush

Philosophy of Education

I want to become an early childhood educator because I want to make a difference in a

child’s life at the earliest possible opportunity. I want to help children develop a creative mind

and a persistent attitude not just for school but in real life. As an artist, having a teacher who

encouraged me to pursue my passion made a difference in my self-esteem. Becoming an early

childhood educator will enable me to mentor children, guiding, and supporting them in

cultivating their talents.

I believe that a good teacher leads by example, modeling positive behaviors and

encouraging students to do the right thing. It is the teacher’s responsibility to help all children by

meeting their needs first. It is my role as a teacher to help find resources that the child and their

families are lacking such as meals, differentiated instructions, and experts through a cooperative

relationship among the teachers, families, and the community. An excellent teacher develops

purposeful and meaningful lessons with the child at the center considering their individual

experiences, home culture, as well as strengths and weaknesses.

I believe that children learn best when they have a supportive and positive influence in

their lives. I know that it is through exploration, interaction, and hands-on approach that children

maximize their learning. Children are more motivated to learn if they are an active participant.

Therefore, being a teacher who encourages children’s input through discussions, active listening,

and sensitive observations will yield an effective learning environment.

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think” ~Margaret Mead. This quote

embodies my belief in children’s ability to rationalize, problem-solve, and make good choices. In

teaching children, good values such as respect, patience, persistence, and hard work will set the

life-long foundations not just for an upstanding student but an honorable human being.

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