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The Resources in Nature for food, clothing, and shelter scarce and men compete for them.

In the command law theory, there will be a superior who commands his own laws to the
inferiors. The Superior is a person that is more dominant or has more power and authority.

 In the social contract men has a group, competing for one. However, in the
command theory of law, it vest into someone the authority to designate scarce
resources to the inferiors.
 In the social contract, Superiors has the authority, provided that, the good,
welfare, and benefits of the Inferiors should be the priority. Nevertheless, in the
Command theory of law, the inferior are oblige to follow the commands, even if
it will solely benefit the Superior, because of certain consequences of
committing or omitting an act.
 I merge ang both theories. Like, If uhhm mu mu ingon si superior nga nggaa if dili
sha mu follow kung how much bitaw ang each person will get kai naai
punishment mu occur. Puidi man pud mu ingun si superior nga times two akoa if
di mu musguot maamatay mo

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