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Data Centers

Data centers are centralized locations where computing and networking equipment is
concentrated for the purpose of collecting, storing, processing, distributing or allowing access
to large amounts of data. It also contains environmental controls (e.g. air conditioning, fire
suppression) and various security devices.
Reasons for Needing Data Centers:
A data center is not only the huge investment but also the key part of company’s strategy.
Cost Savings

Investing in data center outsourcing is a great way to save on the costs related to equipment
maintenance, IT labor, upgrades, physical space, and overheads. Today, you even have the
option of migrating data center operations to the cloud. This will not only reduce your cost of
ownership, but also minimize expenditure on future equipment.

Uninterrupted Service/Guaranteed Uptime

All outsourced datacenters are governed by SLAs (Service Level Agreements). Service
providers are bound by contract to comply to the SLAs and use state-of-the-art infrastructure
and IT systems. They also need to ensure that they stick to predefined quality levels while
minimizing downtimes to avoid financial penalties. As a result, outsourcing data center
services will guarantee the lowest possible downtime during power outages or delays caused
due to different distribution facilities


Keeping all the equipment in one place makes it easy to control access to them.

Security Principles while working in a data center

 Ethics

 Honesty

 Professionalism
Trusted Security Advisor
While working at data centers security team must:

 Earn Credibility

 Follow through

 Be others focus

 Be responsive and provide status proactivity

 Think about big picture

 Leverage the full time

 Enable the better outcome with information that adds values.

Security Layers
A data center provides several security layers to protect the information. These layers include

Physical layers

Physical Layers consists of the following measures

 Gates and barrier arms

 Locked doors

 Portals and vestibules

Procedural layers

The procedural layers refer to:

 Screening programs

 Dual authentication through biometric readers

 Badging at card readers

 Security staff
Electronic Layers

Data centers also have electronic security layers such as

 Cameras

 Alarm systems

 Access control tools

Very similar to its literal meanings confidentiality involves a set of rules usually executed
through confidentiality agreements that limits enforces restriction to certain type of information to be
exposed to someone not entitled to know it.

Customers Data
All data is important to our clients and must be treated equally. Security Officers play
essential role to protect the data that customers entrusted our clients for.

If the data is compromised in some way, it will

o Damage the person or company

o Damage the reputation of client.

Electronic Communication

Any communication through electronic devices such as emails and other messaging
applications is called electronic communication. While using clients provided devices for work
purpose, it must be treated as confidential and the devices must not be used for personal purposes.
Email Id’s of officers provided by client’s domain should not be shared and prohibited for personal
communications. Depending on client’s SOP’s it may fall under a breach.

Client Policies
Our services are bound to all client policies which include NDA’s (Non-disclosure
Agreements). Following are some information units that must not be shared to any member of public.
Exposure of any of these kind of data is considered as a breach of policy.
 Exact location of data center

 Procedures in SOP’s

 Co-workers’ full names

 Names of Clients and their Products and services

 Exact bus routes transporting employees including security officers

 Stories that contain specific information about client.

There is some information which may not be considered as breach of confidentiality policy if shared

 Whether you like or don’t like your job.

 The fact that you work in a data center.

 Non-specified details about work environment.

 Your own work schedule.

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