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3.write the illness.

Relaciona con la imagen que veas

1. toothToothache(dolor dental)

2. backBack ache(dolor de espalda)

3. head  headache(dolor de cabeza)

4. ear ear ache (dolor de oreja)

5. throatSore throat(dolor de garganta)

4. read and complete

a. she has a cold
b. he has an ear ache
c. they have a toothache
d. mom has a back ache and brother have a sore throat

5. describe

1era imagen headache

2da imagen Stomach ache


you should lose weight

you should rest
You should stop smoking
a. she should go to the doctor because she’s
b.he should study more
c.they should go to work
d.she shouldn’t spend all her money

you should take an ibuprofen

you should take a buscapina

you should take a paracetamol

you should take a lizipadol
you should take a hot tea

a. she shouldn’t take a rest

b. should she go to work?

c. he shouldn’t study more.

d.Should they drink more water?

e. you shouldn’t play soccer

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