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Gridding Report
Tue Sep 24 17:43:15 2019
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.02 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\vale_\Desktop\Prop_acuifero_ir_va.xlsx (sheet 'Hoja1')
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Filtered Data Counts

Active Data: 114

Original Data: 120

Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 6
Retained Duplicates: 6
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 0.0057
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.0052

Deleted Duplicates: 6
Retained Duplicates: 6
Artificial Data: 0


X Y Z ID Status

252194 2294867 4.15 79
252194 2294867 4.15 119 Deleted
253293 2292560 0.011 80
253293 2292560 0.011 120 Deleted

255861 2293840 0.011 81

255861 2293840 0.011 121 Deleted

266469 2289602 1.5 6

266469 2289602 1.5 104 Deleted

275831 2259927 1.8 32

275831 2259927 1.8 71 Deleted

280032 2260796 1.8 70

280032 2260796 1.8 117 Deleted

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Z Data Transform
Transformation method: Linear (use Z values directly)

No untransformable data were found.

Data Counts
Active Data: 114

Univariate Statistics


Count: 114 114 114

1%-tile: 241188 2252606 0.011

5%-tile: 245944 2254918 0.052
10%-tile: 252194 2256996 0.18
25%-tile: 257639 2260796 0.21
50%-tile: 266469 2273535 1.5
75%-tile: 276097 2281057 1.8
90%-tile: 279359 2286776 1.8
95%-tile: 282540 2292560 1.8
99%-tile: 283103 2294412 1.8

Minimum: 235896 2251989 0.011

Maximum: 284171 2296081 4.15

Mean: 266545.210526 2272353.42982 1.15702631579

Median: 266665 2273558.5 1.5
Geometric Mean: 266307.088763 2272323.89937 0.641399035999
Harmonic Mean: 266065.915295 2272294.3763 0.155045421048
Root Mean Square: 266780.15596 2272382.96728 1.43629340513
Trim Mean (10%): 266746.854369 2271993.58252 1.13102912621
Interquartile Mean: 267400.666667 2272285.4386 1.24842105263
Midrange: 260033.5 2274035 2.0805
Winsorized Mean: 266894.350877 2272037.04386 1.12789473684
TriMean: 266668.5 2272230.75 1.2525

Variance: 126411229.761 135427907.663 0.730637955054

Standard Deviation: 11243.2748681 11637.3496838 0.854773627959
Interquartile Range: 18458 20261 1.59
Range: 48275 44092 4.139
Mean Difference: 12857.3997826 13425.748952 0.8747956839
Median Abs. Deviation: 9396 9160.5 0.3
Average Abs. Deviation: 9526.33333333 9724.78070175 0.685956140351
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0345826401067 0.00446095459276 0.791044776119
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0482372193342 0.00590830140057 0.756072417681

Standard Error: 1053.02917172 1089.93765983 0.080056885206

Coef. of Variation: 0.0421814927604 0.0051212762641 0.73876766353
Skewness: -0.401835616903 0.0764989104226 0.281453605034
Kurtosis: 2.26915158595 1.9983119554 3.24699830483

Sum: 30386154 259048291 131.901

Sum Absolute: 30386154 259048291 131.901
Sum Squares: 8.11356828398e+12 5.88664575898e+14 235.175017
Mean Square: 71171651613.8 5.16372434998e+12 2.06293874561

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 1.2641123e+08 -27933489 2632.7386
Y: -27933489 1.3542791e+08 303.25311
Z: 2632.7386 303.25311 0.73063796

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 -0.213 0.274
Y: -0.213 1.000 0.030
Z: 0.274 0.030 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 -0.209 0.545
Y: -0.209 1.000 -0.093
Z: 0.545 -0.093 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.761358528944 0.761358528944 -2.2339791981e-05
Y: 0.648331080502 0.648331080502 -6.8470485465e-06
Z: 2.14477455478e-05 2.14477455478e-05 -6.8470485465e-06

Lambda: 159214532.01 102624605.475 0.669746733477


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: 2.23397918552e-05 6.84704848732e-06 -20.3564523217
Standard Error: 7.07181343285e-06 6.8323410744e-06 16.0341994219

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 0.213 -0.324
B: 0.213 1.000 -0.993
C: -0.324 -0.993 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 6.88070799681 3.4403539984
Residual: 111 75.6813809242 0.681814242561
Total: 113 82.5620889211

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.0833398002246

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%-tile: 212.362896948 0
5%-tile: 603.941222306 0
10%-tile: 735.457680632 0
25%-tile: 1077.48781896 0
50%-tile: 1959.50401888 0
75%-tile: 2744.93897929 0
90%-tile: 3321.04351071 1.59
95%-tile: 4175.73430668 1.748
99%-tile: 5034.74329038 3.82

Minimum: 212.362896948 0
Maximum: 15132.5012143 4.139

Mean: 2144.56438315 0.391342105263

Median: 1960.00057486 0
Geometric Mean: 1738.09568621 N/A
Harmonic Mean: 1328.95781564 N/A
Root Mean Square: 2689.09456326 1.01318704652
Trim Mean (10%): 1986.61520854 0.224533980583
Interquartile Mean: 1963.2375876 0
Midrange: 7672.43205561 2.0695
Winsorized Mean: 1983.90040314 0.284114035088
TriMean: 1935.358709 0

Variance: 2655365.85966 0.881128545645

Standard Deviation: 1629.52933685 0.938684476086
Interquartile Range: 1667.45116033 0
Range: 14920.1383173 4.139
Mean Difference: 1426.479541 0.676967706878
Median Abs. Deviation: 811.277336266 0
Average Abs. Deviation: 969.65878651 0.391342105263
Quartile Dispersion: 0.436228408899 N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.665160511014 1.72986166777

Standard Error: 152.619405645 0.0879158561854

Coef. of Variation: 0.759841648799 2.39862888113
Skewness: 4.49660210052 2.61812831625
Kurtosis: 35.905384031 9.52427164229

Sum: 244480.33968 44.613

Sum Absolute: 244480.33968 44.613
Sum Squares: 824360171 117.026471
Mean Square: 7231229.57018 1.02654799123

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 5.35578050564e-08
Clark and Evans: 0.992614167835
Skellam: 277.408420229

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\vale_\Desktop\Prop_acuifero_ir_va.grd
Grid Size: 91 rows x 100 columns
Total Nodes: 9100
Filled Nodes: 9100
NoData Nodes: 0
NoData Value: 1.70141E+38

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 235896
X Maximum: 284171
X Spacing: 487.62626262626

Y Minimum: 2251989
Y Maximum: 2296081
Y Spacing: 489.91111111111

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 9100

1%-tile: 0.0436396595761
5%-tile: 0.123272824107
10%-tile: 0.176281758959
25%-tile: 0.42279722583
50%-tile: 1.20399144728
75%-tile: 1.70990622441
90%-tile: 1.88014430357
95%-tile: 2.26109589624
99%-tile: 3.28110688566

Minimum: -0.0283797562502
Maximum: 3.98103498463

Mean: 1.13969350096
Median: 1.20429476039
Geometric Mean: N/A
Harmonic Mean: N/A
Root Mean Square: 1.36202901813
Trim Mean (10%): 1.100907013
Interquartile Mean: 1.14204595664
Midrange: 1.97632761419
Winsorized Mean: 1.08865728912
TriMean: 1.1351715862

Variance: 0.556282900093
Standard Deviation: 0.745843750455
Interquartile Range: 1.28710899858
Range: 4.00941474088
Mean Difference: 0.835686889302
Median Abs. Deviation: 0.601732177445
Average Abs. Deviation: 0.624697138468
Quartile Dispersion: N/A
Relative Mean Diff.: N/A

Standard Error: 0.00781856694166

Coef. of Variation: N/A
Skewness: 0.436691885335
Kurtosis: 3.00401167302

Sum: 10371.2108587
Sum Absolute: 10371.8313017
Sum Squares: 16881.6197207
Mean Square: 1.85512304623

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