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September 21, 2018

Humanities 151- Introduction to Arts


Architecture 101 is a movie filled with arts. The production itself is an art. The
actors were really excellent in delivering their roles; they were able to impart and shake
emotions of their audience. The movie did not only revolve around the bittersweet story
of a first love not pursued but it also showed the beauty of art thru the inception and
making of the female lead’s house.
In the process of the designing of the female lead’s house flashbacks from their
younger days were shown. One scene that caught my attention is when the instructor of
Architecture 101 told his class that “Liking your neighborhood and understanding it, that’s
where architecture starts.”. Applying the process of art, where first you need to have an
idea for an art to be formed, when you start liking or be curious of something, you start to
get interested and that’s when you start getting ideas on what to do.

In the movie, the female lead showed an old affection regarding her old house; the
wall where her dad measured her height while growing up, the piano, her footprint in the
faucet area. All of this the male lead noticed, eternalized and considered, along with the
female lead’s preferences. He then tried his best to preserve the old memories,
incorporated what the female lead wants and a touch of what he knows about her. The
result is an amazing house that the female lead loved.

Though it was the first house the architect (male lead) made, he did an amazing
job. His first idea was to discard the current house and build a new one, without realizing
that it is not what the client (female lead) wants. He failed to understand what really his
client wants until his assistant/girlfriend pointed out that maybe they can do renovation.
That is when he started spending more time with the client, understanding her, learning
and re-learning things about her. This is why the instructor’s words in the earlier part of
the movie struck me. But in this case, the architect had to embrace the character and
personality of the client, understand it and he was able to give her a house that fits her

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