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Plant layout is the most important and an effective physical arrangement for a
manufacturing industry. It includes the existing and used industrial facilities such as
arrangement of machines and equipment use for processing. The plant layout also involves
the placement of the equipment so that it will minimized contamination and ensure the
products produce are in hygienic conditions. The design of the plant layout should also be
able to minimize the equipment investment by planned the location and minimum handling
distances. The proper and accurate plant layout can ensure the smooth and rapid movement
of the processing flow from raw materials to finish products.

The figure above shows the plant layout of the black tea manufacturing. The plant
layout includes the loading bay, detergent room, office, changing rooms, processing area,
packaging area and distribution. The movement of worker started from changing room to
processing area and lastly to packaging area then straight to loading bay for distribution. Next
is the product pathway which starts from loading bay, go to processing area which are
withering, disruption, fermentation, drying, grading, grinding, packaging area, storage of
finished product and loading bay for distribution.

The process flow is continuous starting from the receiving raw materials to the
distribution of finished products. At the withering process, a room will be equipped with heat
pump dryer with the temperature of 38°C is for it to take place. Total of 30 trays use and will
be placed in layer and each tray can accommodate 135kg of tea leaves. Another room
provided is for fermentation process, where the temperature will be controlled at 24°C to 29°C.
This is to ensure that the leaves undergo fermentation process perfectly. The other process
will run according to the process flow diagram, where it starts from sorting and ends with

Next for waste handling, there will be two waste produce during the process which is
the soil and foreign materials from raw materials and packaging waste from the packaging
area. Thus, there are two waste area placed in the plant layout and it is located at the
processing area and at the distribution loading bay. For pest control, a total of 39 pest control
box will be placed outside of the of the factory. According to Food Hygiene Regulations 2009
in clause 16, the food premises shall at all times free from any pest and the owner shall aware
of the presence of any pest in the premises and take all practicable measures to destroy and
to prevent it from becoming a threat to the safety of food.

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