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Foz de Iguazu is a big town in the state of Parana, Brazil. Foz is on the Parana
River near the border of Argentina, and Paraguay. The town is modern and
there are many hotels and restaurants.
The famous Iguazu Falls are on the Iguazu River near Foz. They are very
beautiful. Tourists from many countries visit the falls.
The Itaipu Dam is in Foz too. It’s on the Paraná River. It’s a very importantdam.
The interesting stores are in Paraguay. There tourists buy whisky, video sets,
radios, perfume, etc.


In most Latin American countries, children usually live with their parents until
they get married, and many times, even after marriage. It is very common for
grandparents to live with the whole family in the same house. For many
families, mealtimes are important times for socializing. Parents and children
enjoy sharing, not only typical food but also talking about the events which
happened during the day. It is customary not to leave the table until everyone
finishes eating.
Most North American children live with their parents at least until they finish
high school. When they go to college, they live in the dormitories of the
university, or they rent an apartment with some friends. Some, but not all,
American families have dinner while they watch TV. They usually eat TV
Dinners –frozen prepared dinners commonly eaten while watching TV. Due to
busywork and school schedules, very few families have a specific time when
everyone can eat dinner together. When the family can’t eat dinner together,
the time they spend sharing and socializing is usually very little.

Julian works at a bookstore. First, his job is to unload boxes of books from the
truck. Then he opens the boxes. After that, Julian puts the books in different
piles. One pile is for books that tell true stories or facts. These are called non-
fiction books. Another pile is for books that tell stories that are not true. These
are called fiction books.
Julian then puts the books on shelves in the bookstore. Putting books on shelves
is what Julian likes to do best at work. When Julian has free time at work, he
likes to read through all of the books. His favorite books are the ones that tell
true stories about real people and their lives.

On Sunday and Monday, Julian does not work at the book store. On these days,
he stays at home. He uses this time to write stories about himself. Julian grew up
in Peru. Now he lives in the United States. He works at the bookstore to pay for
school. Julian wants to be a teacher. One day, he hopes to turn his stories into a
book. He hopes to see it at the bookstore.


This is Jennifer Lopez. She comes from New York City, USA but her parents
come from Puerto Rico. She's thirty-four years old and has two sisters. She likes
dancing, being with her family and friends and making films and music videos.
She isn't married
This is Jack Nicholson. He comes from New Jersey, USA. He's an actor,
producer, director and writer. He's sixty-seven years old. He has three children,
two daughters and a son. He lives in Los Angeles, California
He likes watching basketball, and he loves the Los Angeles Lakers

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