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In an effort to sustain the quality standards in the delivery of its services, The
company would like to inform you that its employees are enjoined to adhere to A
STRICT NO GIFT POLICY as part of the company’s commitment to treat all business
partners with utmost impartiality, both suppliers and clients alike, with whom we
come into contact or conduct business with. The company adheres to a policy of strict
professionalism with merit and competitiveness as its only fundamental criterions in
its business dealings.

As such, the company’s employees are beholden to the principle that they should not
only be insulated from any conflict of interest but above all they must be beyond

In this connection, we would like to sincerely ask for your full cooperation in fostering
a healthy and transparent relationship by adhering to our give NO-GIFT POLICY and
exercise reasonable restrain in giving any gift regardless of form, reason/justification,
nature, value, occasion at any time, on or off the work premises.

The company’s NO-GIFT policy covers vendor or potential vendor or supplier-

provided food, beverages, meals, or entertainment and includes any business
courtesy offered such as a product discount or any other benefit or advantage.

This is to inform all employees that our company STRICTLY ADHERES TO A NO-
GIFT POLICY. All employees are enjoined to professionally inform all business
partners and suppliers including prospective ones and others of this no-gift policy,
and the reasons the company has adopted the policy. Employees will request that all
business partners of the company respect our company policy and should restrain
from purchasing and delivering any gift for our employees, a department, an office,
or the company, at any time, for any reason.

In the remotest possibility that an employee or department receives a gift:

 If feasible, the gift should be returned.

 If it not feasible to return the gift, the gift must be given to the best employee
in the site or particular department of the company under the sole discretion
of management.

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