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The Dawn of New Era (1900– 1945)

 This era is the beginning of all the development of the previous era, the 19th century. This era
changed the fundamental views of many scientist. A lot of changes from old perspective of
classical physics

 A New-look in Physics

 Mac Planck, Father of Quantum physics, discover that electromagnetism traveled in

distinct packets and not in continuous waves as previlously thought.
 Albert Einstein, Father of Modern Physics found out that the idea of an absolute time
and space, which was independent of the observer had to be discarded in favor of a
single space-time

 Wave-particle Dilemma

 Sir Joseph John Thompson, an english physicist, was the first to discover the electron,
unearthing its negative charge and the wave-like characteristics of its particles.
 Erwin Schrodinger, an Austrian, made an array of equations that fully described the
probability of finding a particle in a specific place and state.
 Werner Heisenberg illustrated that there was a probable uncertainty to the values of
place and momentum and found out to be fundamental to the overall structure of the

 Harnessing the Atom

 Ernest Rutherford, Father of Nuclear Physics, a New Zealander, first illustrated an atom
who was made basically at space.
 Chemist Linus Pauling took advantage of the picture of an atom and was then able to
explain how atoms bonded.
 John Robert Oppenheimer tasked to lead the Manhattan Project to create first nuclear

 New Concept of the Universe

 Edwin Hubble, a great American astronomer, found our that nebulae were distant
galaxies and made the observation that the universe was expanding in all directions.
 Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian priest and physicist suggested that the universe came
into being from a “primeval atom” (Big Bang Theory)
 Astronomer Fritz Zwicky invented the term “dark matter”.

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