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a) Based on the movie entitled World Trade Center (2006) that I had watched previously, the

main issue portrayed in this movie is regarding the well-known and gigantic building which
consists of large complex of seven buildings that is located in the Financial District of Lower
Manhattan, New York City, United States of America which is known as the World Trade
Center. In this movie, the famous World Trade Center got seriously attacked and hijacked by
the Al-Qaeda hijackers when the commercial jets known as Boeing 767 jets flown by the
hijackers struck the twin towers impacted the North tower 1 and South tower 2 of the World
Trade Center came down crashed and severely destroyed in September 11, 2001. In this movie,
after the tragic incidence took place within minutes, it depicts a chaotic atmosphere of that
place. As the audience can see, there are many victims got seriously injured after the building
crashed. People keep running to stay away from the incidence area in attempt to save and
protect themselves from the destroyed building which can impacts them more on hazardous
situation. The two main characters who played the important role in this movie are referred to
two port authority police officers who is John and Will accompanied with some of their friends
who are assigned to assist in a precautionary evacuation attempt of the North Tower and they
board a Metropolitan Transit Authority bus to go and help the victims of the World Trade
Center tragedy. They were assigned by their sergeant to go down towards the destroyed tower
in attempt to lend aid towards the victims of the accident and evacuate them away from the
crashing building. Unfortunately, they were trapped and stuck in the rubble quite for a long
hours before the rescue arrived and notified them trapped in rubble tower. John and Will,
known as the port authority officers survived quite for a long hour up till they got detected and
rescued early by Karnes who is known as former Marine officer who left his accounting office
soon after he witnessed the attacks on the television to assist in the rescue efforts.
b) The main reason on why this accident could occurred is none other than the cause from
Islamists Al-Qaeda terrorists who hijacked on the American airlines Flight 11 and United
airlines flight 175. Based on a few sources and references on the Internet, the accident took
place when there was a terrorist attacked by the Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda
against America in a coordinated assault using hijacked civilian airlines. The early attacked
was focused on the North Tower of the World Trade Center before the South Tower took place
to collapse in a few minutes later after that. There were two planes flown towards the twin
towers of the World Trade Center in New York City while a third plane hit the Pentagon which
is located outside the Washington D.C. and there was also a fourth plane crashed in a field in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Later, after number of explosions occured, both towers North and
South of the World Trade Center collapsed. An enormous loss of life was feared . The tower
crashed and collapsed due to 20,000 gallons of jet fuel loaded in an American Airlines Boeing
767 that crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. But, the
impact of the Boeing 767 aircraft and the burst of flames impacted from the collision and
explosion did not make the towers collapse right away. As the Boeing airlines hit the buildings,
the upper floors of the tower crashed down on lower floors with increasing weight and
momentum hence, it impacted the entire portion of the building above the area of impact fell
in a unit, pushing a cushion of air below it in the impact area.
c) Based on the opinion and knowledge from the structural engineer, Ronald O. Hamburger who
currently involved in investigating the September 11 disaster by assessing the performance
of World Trade Center and the surrounding buildings in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks,
he described of what went wrong inside the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. First
of foremost, the hijacker’s plan. The hijacker’s plane banked into the north tower of the World
Trade Center at a 45 degrees angle which cause a damage at floors 92 and 95 and then, about
40 minutes later, the second hijacker’s plane crashed into the south tower which hitting floors
78 to 84. The hijacker’s plane flew into the lowest part of the buildings they had access to
and the hijackers would have hit the towers lower if there had been no nearby structures.
Based on Hamburger’s belief, the pilots of the hijacked airlines intentionally banked the
planes at an angle to take out as many floors as possible. The initial analysis made by
Hamburger stated and explained that the partial collapsed of several floors is due to the impact
of the jetliners shattered and fractured two-thirds of the support columns on one face of each
tower. Debris resulting from the collision and explosion from plane crashed into the twin
towers penetrated each building’s core and cause damage at the core columns located in the
center of the 110-story structures. According to Hamburger, the damaged columns held up
the weight of the building, so logic would dictate that the building would fall but that did not
happen. The load was distributed to other parts of the building due to its great structural
redundancy. Hamburger believed that the buildings could have stood indefinitely and been
repaired if there is no fire taken place in the accident. Next, due to born of fire. According to
Hamburger, despite media reports that the aircraft continued burning long after the crash, the
truth is the fuel in both jetliners burned off rapidly. The impact caused a failure of the
fireproofing in the affected areas. The devastating effect on the steel support beams comes
from the fuel that ignites the several floors in the building. The fire comes from the steel in
the buildings. This is because the steel able to expand and lose its rigidity when reheated. As
the steel was heated above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, it can lose such a significant amount of
its strength. According to Hamburger, the cause of the steel floors to expand and bow is
because of the extreme heat that comes from the fires hence, this cause the support columns
to bend inward and buckle. Also, Hamburger added by saying that the heat caused the steel
flooring to separate from the columns or the columns themselves have heated up and buckled
outward. Hamburger and his colleagues believe that based on their investigation on 9/11
tragedy, there is a little doubt that the collapse of the upper floors of the World Trade Center
(WTC) towers brought down both structures. Then, vulnerabilities. World Trade Center is
incredibly strong tower that is built to resist dead loads and wind loads. But instead of its
capabilities to withstand from certain resistance, the tower also had number of vulnerabilities.
Before this, WTC is very well-known for many innovations made into its design which is one
of them is the earliest applications of computer stress analysis. According to Hamburger, there
were many features that made the buildings vulnerable to the intense fires that ultimately
caused their collapse. One of the examples that the tower resist to certain resistance is each
tower was constructed using a novel tube frame system designed to resist winds of up to 80
miles per hour. As the connections of the tube frame were weak, it causes them to break apart
and become three-pronged missiles that crashed into the street and into nearby buildings.
Hamburger also included some recommendations for future designs to withstand such tragic
events as September 11 in the future. His suggestions included the fire protection standards
should be changed in some significant way in the aftermath of September and the elements
such as consideration of fire load and the response of structures should be included in the
structural engineering designs.
d) The type of risks involved in this accident

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