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Bengali Diet Plan for Weight Loss (1200 Calorie)

Food Item

Breakfast (8:00- 9:00 am)

Rice OR Besan cheela with onions
OR Chirer Pulao ( poha cooked as pulao)
Tea/ coffee (with 50 ml milk)
Mid-Morning (11:00 – 12:00 noon)
Buttermilk (ghol)
OR, Sprouts salad
Lunch (1:00 – 2:00 pm)
Wheat bran chapati (no oil)
Chicken curry/ rui/ katla machher jhol / Arhar dal
Saag-vegetable dishes (puishaker chocchori, paanch mishali torkari, or data chocchori)
Evening (4:00 – 5:00 pm)
Murmura chaat / Jhaal Muri
OR, steamed corn
Tea/ coffee (with 50 ml milk)
Dinner (8:00 – 9:00p m)
Poha with onions and tomato
OR, Wheat bran chapati
Green veg salad
Total (around)
Amount Calories Protein
(kcal) (g)

2 no. 2003 (rice)/ 12 (besan)

1 soup bowl 200 3
150 ml 125 2
1 30 –

150 ml 20 1
100 g 100 6

2 200 6
50 g 200 8
100 g 150 6
100 g 40 1

100 g 40 2
100 g 40 –
150 ml 125 2

100 g 150 2
1 100 3
100 g 40 1
1200 kcal 40 g

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