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“The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all those who encountered Jesus”

Gospel- means “good news”

In Jesus name receive the healing power of the Lord.

Greatest need: Good news we need desperately: For someone to tell you “you’re worthy of love.”

People are imperfect. “Here I am, I will never abandon you.” -God

The joy of the gospel is when you receive good news, that you are worthy of love.

“And He will exalt over you, He will rejoice over you, He will celebrate over you”

Joy always starts with Jesus, Joy always begins with an encounter with Jesus.


Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through (God is always passing through because He’s
looking for you) (sometimes when we pray to God for that miracle, we somehow expect God to bless
us and give that miracle in the way we want it to be given. Sometimes God gives that miracle wrapped
in a different miracle) Zachhaeus was a chief tax collector, wealthy man, high level government
official. For Jesus, there is no sinner that is outside his circle of love.

In your darkest, saddest moments, you are not alone, God is with you.

When Zach heard that Jesus was passing through, he wanted to see who Jesus was but because
He was short he climbed the sycamore fig tree to see Him. He humbled himself because He wanted to
see Jesus. Humility enables you to see Jesus. Proud people always have a hard time seeing God,
because they have a hard time looking up. Humility starts when you acknowledge that you are
spiritually short. Humility is the quickest highway to heaven. Be like Zac, you can be the worst kind of
sinner in this place but if you can only humble yourself enough, you will see Jesus.

When Jesus encountered Zac, He looked up and said get down, I want to enter your house.

Jesus is greater than any sin. When Jesus touches sinner, they become saints.

Zac “Look Lord here and now I gave my possessions to the poor,

Real encounter with Jesus: It’s supposed to make you better, a real encounter with Jesus
changes you.

Another person in the bible who climbed a tree: Jesus

Most absolute act of humility: Jesus nailed to cross

Humility is following Christ.

It’s not easy to follow Christ, but every time you follow Him, you follow Him.
Jesus says: today salvation has come to this house because this man too, is the son of Abraham

Why did salvation came to the ENIRE HOUSE

When you humble yourself before God, God blesses your entire house.

It all starts when you humble yourself before God, he will not just pass through, he will invite yourself
to your house and then blesses everyone in it.

Make this effort to climb the tree as a symbol of your surrender

Lord God I need you in the middle of where I am, in the middle of my mes, in the middle of my shame,
Come into my life, In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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