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Chapter III


Source of Materials

The researchers bought the chrysanthemum flowers in Dangwa, Manila. The

coconut husk was gathered for free on the vendor in the wet market. The dried coconut

husk and chrysanthemum flower heads was pounded using the mortar and pestle and

mixed with water and cassava starch to bind them together. After that, they are going to

mold the combined materials in the mosquito coil container. The researchers will buy the

mosquitoes in Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)-Alabang.

Procedures of the Study


For about twenty-four (24) hours, the chrysanthemun flowerheads will be exposed

under the sun to let it dry and where it free fron water pulverization.

Pounding and Pulverization

Mortar and pestle will be used by the researchers in pounding the dried

chrysanthemum flower heads abd coconut husk. Then, it will be combined to nake the

nosquito coil mixture.


The pulverized chrysanthemum flower heads will be mixed water and cassava

starch. They researchers will mix it until it is homogenously mixed.


The researchers will make an improvised to condition the mosquito coil to its

desired shape. They will store the mosquito coil mixture under the heat of oven for 5


Application of Treatment

100g of powdered chrysanthemum flower heads is used in conducting the

experiment. They will consider the temperature of the room to test the effectiveness of

the mosquito coil and how they will react to the temperature of the room which will be


Experimental Design and Treatment

The researchers will use 100 grams (100g) of powdered chrysanthemum flower

heads in conducting the experiment. Chrysanthemum flower heads contains pyrethrin

which is used to repel insectes such as mosquitoes. They are examining the efectiveness

of chrysanthemum flower heads as a mosquito coil repellent using three (3) different

treatments with three trials each. In the first treatment (T1), the researchers will use a

commercialized mosquito coil, which is Baygon katol, and test its effectiveness in

repelling mosquitoes. The second treatment (T2) have 50% of powdered chrysanthemum

flower heads and 50% of powdered coconut husk which is with water and cassava starch

to bind them together. The mixture is molded into its desired mosquito coil shape. In the
third treatment (T3), the researchers is using 75% of powdered chrysanthemum flower

heads and 25% of powdered coconut husks and mix it with water and cassava starch to

bind them together. The researchers will compare the result of each treatment to see

which mosquito coil will be the most effective on the mortality rate of Aedes aegypti.

Data Gathering

The researchers will be observing mosquitoes in three (3) different treatments in 3

trials consisting of ten (10) mosquitoes each treatment. They will be examining the

mortality rate of Aedes aegypti by observing the time that the mosquitoes will die in each

treatment. They will also observe the time that the 3 different coil will burn into ashes in

3 different time and they will get the mean of the 3 data of 3 treatment. The researchers

will be interpreting the data using statistical tool to test the significance and correlation of

the data to one another.

Statistical Analysis

The researchers will use the Pearson's R corellation because this will measure the

strength between variables and relationships. This tool will test the relationship between

the chrysanthemum mosquito coil and the mortality rate of Aedes aegypti:

N = number of pairs

∑xy = sum of the product of paired scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑x2 = sum of squared x scores

∑y2 = sum of squared y scores

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