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( Dictionary of Health Terms and Summary of Diabetes Mellitus )

by :

Mulyono ( NH0115101)

Mutammi Hi Idris ( NH0115102)

Mutia Syukri ( NH0115103 )




A. Dictionary of Health Terms
From Abjad A – Z
1. Allergy : a response from the immune system or the body's reaction to
substances that are usually harmless.
2. Abortion : miscarriage / fetal death before 20 weeks' gestation.
3. Adenoid: tissue located behind the nasal cavity between the nose and throat
4. AIDS: a deficiency syndrome that is acquired by the HIV virus
5. ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis): rapid progressive weakness in the form
of muscle wasting and stiffness, difficulty speaking, swallowing, and breathing
6. Alzheimer's: a disorder caused by the death of brain cells almost
simultaneously which results in the brain shrinking and losing function
7. Amyotrophy: shrinking of the muscles due to diseases of the nerves found in
the muscle
8. Anemia: a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of
erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels, and the volume of red blood cells
9. Aneurysm: dilation of blood vessels due to weakness of the blood vessel wall
10. Arterio Venous Malformation: a network of arteries and veins that are
abnormally shaped
11. Arteriografy: imaging technique to see the state of the internal arteries
12. Ascites: abnormal buildup of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity
13. Atherectomy: a minimally invasive surgical technique for removing fat
blockages (atherosclerosis) in large blood vessels Muskular
14. Atrophy: reduced size and number of muscle fibers due to aging, decreased
blood flow, lack of nutrition or due to loss of nerve function
15. Atrophy: reduced size of a cell or organ
16. Audiometry: an examination to determine hearing ability
17. Autoimmune: the body's immune response that attacks the body's own tissues
or organs
18. Auto - Antibodies: antibodies that attack the body's own cells or tissues
19. Arterial blood gas analysis: measurement of oxygen and carbon dioxide
content and blood acidity from arterial blood
20. Aplastic anemia: a disease characterized by bone marrow that is unable to
produce blood cells
21. Angiografy: imaging technique to see the inside of blood vessels and organs,
especially arteries, veins and heart chambers
22. Angioplasty: a surgical procedure in a blood vessel due to constriction or
23. Aneroxia nervosa: eating disorders due to excessive fear of weight gain
24. Anterior horn cells: a collection of motor nerves located in the gray matter of
the front spine
25. Antinuclear: antibodies that attack the cell nucleus
26. Abdominal aorta: aorta (main blood vessel) of the abdomen
27. A brain concussion: head trauma that is not accompanied by damage to brain
tissue and causes fainting for no more than 10 minutes
28. Amputation: loss of body parts, such as fingers, arms, or legs due to injury or
planned occurrence through surgical procedures, for example to prevent the
spread of infection.
29. Anatomy: the structure and organization of living things\
30. Appendicitis: inflammation that occurs in appendicitis
31. Arthritis: inflammation (inflammation) in one or several joints.
32. Asthma: inflammation and narrowing of the airways which cause tightness or
difficulty breathing.
33. Abduction: movement toward the body.
34. Abscess: a wound arising from a bacterial infection
35. Adenoid: a gland right behind the nostrils
36. Adenoma: a benign tumor that begins in gland-like cells from epithelial tissue
37. Adenosis: enlargement of the breast lobule
38. Aphasia: impaired speech function in someone due to brain abnormalities.
39. Allergen: a compound that can induce immunoglobulin E (IgE) through
exposure inhaled (inhaled), ingestion (ingestion), contact, or injection.
40. Amenorea: the length of the menstrual cycle that extends from the length of
the classic menstrual cycle (oligomenorrhea) or not the occurrence of
menstrual bleeding, a minimum of three consecutive months.
41. Amnesia: impaired memory.
42. Amnionitis: infection of the amniotic fluid
43. Amniotomy: an action to open the amniotic membrane (amnion)
44. Ampoule: single dose container
45. Anaphylaxis: severe allergic reactions that occur suddenly and can cause death
46. Anesthesia: an action to relieve pain when performing surgery
47. Angina: chest pain or discomfort which is usually caused by a lack of blood
flow to the heart.
48. Anhidrosis: inability to sweat normally.
49. Aniridia: a state of absence of the iris
50. Aniseikonia: a condition where the image of an object both is not the same
size or shape.
51. Anisocoria: eye conditions with unequal sized pupil features
52. Ankylosis: a disorder of the joint that causes joints to stiffen or even bones
stick together
53. Anodontia: an abnormality characterized by not growing partially or all teeth
since birth.
54. Amblyopi: a reduction in visual acuity in the eye that interferes with the
development of vision during infancy
55. Anuria: a condition when the kidneys cannot produce urine
56. Apnea: serious respiratory problems that occur during sleep
57. Apoplection: rupture of blood vessels that drain food to the muscles, usually
this is more common in older people (aged 60 years and over).
58. Areola: a dark area around the nipple, which can widen or darken during
59. Asfiction: a disorder in transporting oxygen (O2) to body tissues
60. Acidosis: a condition that occurs when the acid level in the body is very high
61. Ascites: a buildup of fluid (usually a liquid thread and pale yellow serous
fluid) in the abdominal cavity.
62. Astasia: inability to stand due to impaired movement coordination
63. Asthenopia: tired eyes
64. Ataxia: fading coordination ability over muscle movements.
65. Atresia: congenital abnormality, which means it occurs before birth.
66. Autolysis: cell destruction carried out by enzymes
67. Autopsy: death check
68. Avitaminosis: a condition where the body does not get enough vitamins
69. Abdomen: abdominal cavity
70. Avrist: ear doctor
71. Airsick: airsickness
72. Ambulance: transportation vehicle for sick or injured people, from one place
to another for medical treatment
73. Ambulation: the most severe exercise where patients treated in hospitals can
74. Autism: a collection of disorders that vary in terms of their causes and clinical
75. A blister: the skin rubs against a rough surface so that it peels off the top layer
of the skin.
76. Anthrax: a serious and rare disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
77. Apilepsy: a disorder of the central nervous system due to a pattern of
abnormal brain electrical activity
78. Ataxia: a disease that attacks the cerebellum and spine and causes interference
with the motor nerves.
79. Accident and Emergency department: accident unit and emergency unit (ER)
80. Ache: someone's perception if they feel their health is disturbed
81. Ambulatory: one form of medical service
82. Acne: skin pores are clogged causing an inflamed pus pouch
83. Adnexitis: inflammation of the ovary
84. Architis: inflammation of the testicles
85. Angitis: inflammation of the blood vessels
86. Adenitis: inflammation of the lymph nodes
87. Acilobursitis: inflammation of the Upper Exchange of the Achilles Tendon
88. Acute: symptoms or signs that begin and worsen quickly
89. Adrenal: a gland located above each kidney
90. Adrenaline: A chemical / hormone released into the bloodstream by the
adrenal gland
91. Abnormal: An abnormal condition
92. Adenomyoma: Adenomyosis that is encapsulated by myometrial tissue
93. Addiction: addiction or a maladaptive pattern of drug use.
94. Aerosol: fine particles scattered in the air, or drugs that are converted into fine
spray mist with a nebulizer to be inhaled
95. Aflatoxin is a fungal toxin which is a strong liver carcinogen The lacrima
apparatus is the tear duct
96. Abraxane is a drug that treats breast cancer that has spread or that grows back
after chemotherapy
97. Afakia is an abnormal condition in the absence of an eyepiece
98. Aphasia is the inability to speak, write, or understand spoken or written
99. Adenocarcinoma is a cancer that starts in cells lining certain internal organs
and which have gland-like properties
100. Adenopathy is any disease that involves or causes enlargement of

1. Bulimia : habit of overeating that occurs continuously
2. Burr hole : surgical procedure in the form of punching a skull
3. Biopsy : taking body tissues for laboratory tests
4. Basal cell cancer : skin cancer originating from basal cells
5. Bulbar efferent neurons : motor muscles around the face that function to
swallow, speak, breathe
6. Bilirubin : a bile pigment
7. Bacteriostatics : substances that stop bacterial growth (such as antibiotics)
8. Biceps : muscles in the arms
9. Benzopyrone : a drug to remove excess protein and fluid from the limbs
affected by lymphedema
10. BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) : a vaccine made from attenuated
Mycobacterium bovis. This bacterium is closely related to Mycobacterium
11. Bronchus : one of the two large branches of the trachea that air travels to and
from the lungs
12. Benztropine : a drug that is classified as an antiparkinsonian agent
13. Beta blockers : agents that inhibit the action of beta-adrenergic receptors,
which modulate heart function, respiratory function, and blood vessel dilation
14. Bell's palsy : a temporary numbness on one side of the facial muscles, caused
by nerve inflammation
15. Bacillus : rod-shaped bacterium; responsible for diphtheria, tetanus, dysentery,
and tuberculosis, and other diseases
16. Beevor's Sign is Paralysis : the inability to block the antagonist muscles in
functional paralysis
17. Beta carotene : a pigment found in vegetables and fruits, which the body
converts to vitamin A
18. Beta agonists : a class of drugs that relax the muscles in the airway
19. Bifocals : lenses that contain two focal distances, usually focusing for long
distances above and focusing for short distances below
20. Bilateral : a condition that affects both sides of the body or partner organs,
such as the kidneys
21. Bikuspid : the fourth and fifth teeth from the center of the mouth to the back
of the mouth
22. Bifurcation : the splitting of a tube or vessel into two branches or channels
23. Biochemistry : the study of the chemistry of living organisms, including
24. Bone scan : an examination used to identify lesions in the bone such as
fractures, infections, or tumors
25. Biceps : two muscles in the inside of the upper arm that help you bend your
elbows, opposite the triceps
26. Bradycardia : an abnormally slow heartbeat
27. Bradipnea is a decrease in respiratory rate, usually below ten respirations per
28. Bronchopneumonia : a common inflammation of the lungs that starts in the
small bronchial canal (bronchioles) and spreads irregularly to peribronkiolar
alveoli and alveolar ducts
29. Bronkioli : a small airway (bronchial branch) that leads to areas of the lungs
and absorbs oxygen from the air
30. Brachytherapy : a therapy that involves placing a small radioactive pellet into
the prostate gland
31. Bronchus intermedius : the bronchial segment on the right between the
beginning of the upper bronchial lobe and bifurcation down to the middle and
lower bronchial lobes
32. Bronchoscopy : a procedure of visual examination of the trachea, bronchi and
certain bronchioles
33. Bursitis : inflammation of the Knee Joint Bag
34. Bacteremia : a condition when there are bacteria in the bloodstream
35. Basalioma : a malignant tumor
36. Basilari: a membrane that separates the cochlea into two parts, the vestibuli
scale and the tympanic scale
37. Bisinosis: impaired pulmonary function in the form of airway obstruction.
38. Bradycardia: the condition of individuals who have a slow heart rate
39. Bronkotomi: surgery of the air vessels.
40. Balneology : the study of the benefits of bathing in natural air and health air
41. Balneotherapy : healing with natural water or special air
42. Birsam : an inflammatory disease of the lining of the chest; "Pleurisy
43. Branch Block File Left : one of the heart conduction abnormalities seen on an
electrocardiogram (ECG).
44. Barium Enema: same as Colon In Loop
45. Barium Follow Through: radiographic examination of small intestine with
contrast media.
46. Barium Meal: same as OMD
47. Barium Swallow: the same as Oesophagography
48. Blass: bladder
49. BNO: Blass Nier Oversich or abdominal photo which indicates to show the
urinary tractus
50. BNO IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram): abdominal photo showing the urinary
tract (kidney, ureter, blass) with contrast media injected through the vein.
51. Bronchography: radiographic examination to see bronchial damage using
contrast media injected into the trachea Bronchopneumonia (BP): pneumonia
which affects one or more lung lobes characterized by patches of infiltrates caused
by bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign objects. Bronchhiethitis: bleeding in the
bronchi (lung branch)
52. Bucky: Grid that moves during exposure.
53. Balanitis : swelling and pain or skin irritation and the head of the penis
54. Blefaritis : an eyelid inflammation that usually occurs in the area of eyelash
growth and can affect both eyelids
55. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) : a serious mental illness that is
characterized by feelings, moods and erratic behavior.
56. Brucellosis : a contagious animal disease that primarily attacks cattle, goats,
pigs and secondary attacks on various other types of animals and humans.
57. Barotrauma : tissue damage due to differences in pressure in the body with the
surrounding air pressure
58. Blighted ovum: anembryonic pregnancy or empty pregnancy
59. Botulism: a serious condition of poisoning caused by toxins from the
bacterium Clostridium botulinum
60. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Benign prostate enlargement
61. Bronchiectasis : condition when the bronchial tubes in the lungs are damaged
62. Bruxism : considered as one of the sleep disorders.
63. Bunion : a bone lump in the base of your big toe
64. Babesia: blood cell parasitic protozoa and in the Apicomplexa phylum.
65. Bacillary dysentery: a type of dysentery, and is a severe form of shigellosis
66. Benign: benign tumor
67. Burs: damage to the skin which is often caused by heat
68. Blood pressure: essential to life because it forces the blood around the body
69. Blepharitis: inflammation of the edges of the eyelids or exfoliating the scalp
70. Bipolar: a mental disorder that attacks a person's psychological condition which is
characterized by extreme mood swings in the form of mania and depress
71. Bakteriofage: A type of virus that attacks and destroys bacteria.
72. Basidiokarp: The body of the Basidiomycotina fruit where the Basidium gathers.
73. Basidiomycetes: Mushrooms that produce spores on basidium.
74. Basidiospora: Spores contained in Basidium.
75. Basidium: A body consisting of one cell that is bulging or shaped with four
ecospores; Basidiospora producer in the Basidiomycotina fungus.
76. Binomial nomenclature: The system of naming living things using two Latin words.
77. Bioasai: Testing biochemical materials, measuring quantitatively using other life to
determine the effect of a substance on living things.
1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand: BOD, a measure of growing oxygen demand.
2. Bilirubin: a brownish-yellow pigment found in bile, blood, and dirt of everyone.
3. Baby blues : condition of mood disorders experienced by the mother after giving birth to a
4. Bleep test: a measurement of our physical fitness or a person's ability to carry out activities
5. Blood clot: the last product of the blood clotting process in hemostasis.
6. Basal metabolic rate: the basic level at which the body consumes calories
7. Blephar: soft skin folds that cover and protect the eyes.
8. Blepharitis: inflammation of the edge of the eyelid which causes the part to appear swollen
and reddened
9. Bacteremia is a condition when there are bacteria in the bloodstream
10. Facultative anaerobic bacteria: bacteria that can live well with oxygen or without oxygen.
11. bone marrow: bone marrow
12. Braxidin: a drug to treat digestive problems and anxiety disorders
13. Branchial Cleft Cyst: kista epitelial kongenital yang muncul dari bagian lateral leher diantara muskulus
sternokledomastoid dan faring

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