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(A song for Freya, Gudrun's patron. The sheet music can be viewed as a pdf.

Behind the Door of Gold lies the darkness of the Gap,
The knocker is a sunbeam and on the Door I tap,
It opens to the Stone of Power where my Lady has her Way,
Where fields of darkness yield to light as sunrise paints the day.

The Maiden of the Spring who brings the start of every year
Has bought my soul’s shy maidenhead with tenderness and tears.
The Lover of the Summer who comes in finest gold
Has bought my soul’s green maidenhead with truer stories told.

The Warrior of the Autumn, amidst souls like fallen leaves,

Has bought my soul’s bright maidenhead with courage like sweet mead,
But the Witch of Winter’s Fire, shining golden on the hearth,
Has taken me beneath her veil to learn her darkest arts.

Behind the Door of Gold lies the Mystery of the Road,

And I would travel down to pluck the seeds that she has sowed,
I weave and wear the woman’s arts as the Vanadis foretold,
And her song rings through my body as her gold burns in my soul.

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