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Thesis: In ​Key and Peele’s short video, “Turbulence”,​ the airplane passenger and flight

attendant both have very aggressive attitudes towards each other throughout the whole clip,
which can result in unreasonable actions and words and portray many different stereotypes that
some people still believe today.

● Topic sentence:
● Explain different ways in the clip how the characters are aggressive and what
stereotypes are being shown
○ The fact that the Passenger waited until the seatbelt sign turned on to use the
■ Cultural and grouping of individual stereotyping

○ The Passenger is aggressive with the feminine Flight Attendant, maybe because
he’s homophobic. Though the Flight Attendant is aggressive back and is just as
■ Flight attendant stereotype, homophobia

○ While there is turbulence on the plane, neither the Flight Attendant and other
passengers bother to help the Passenger while he’s falling on the ground and
bumping into things
■ Rhetoric tools: hyperbole and logos
● Transition

1st paragraph:
● The fact that the Passenger waited until the seatbelt sign turned on to use the bathroom
○ The stereotype “americans are seen as rude from people from other countries”
■ Cultural stereotype: opinion on someone based on their behavior and
where they’re from, what language they speak
○ The Passenger is wearing a gray, generic suit making him portray a high-class
businessman in a stereotypical way
■ Grouping of individuals stereotype: how a group of people act and how
similar they are
● Transition

2nd paragraph
● The Passenger is aggressive with the feminine Flight Attendant, maybe because he’s
homophobic. Though the Flight Attendant is aggressive back and is just as stubborn
○ Both are being unreasonable and don’t bother to look for a resolution
○ The other passengers must be uncomfortable because of their attitudes toward
each other
○ While they’re arguing they’re literally crowding over a passenger who the
Passenger sits next to, neither of them do anything about it
● The stereotype: most flight attendants are women, but if they’re male they’re gay is
○ The Passenger seems homophobic from the way he treats the Flight Attendant
○ The Flight Attendant is sort of enjoying the argument between him and the
○ The Flight Attendant is gossiping at the very beginning of the video (first 5
■ Snarky smile, passive aggressiveness
● Transition

3rd paragraph
● While there is turbulence on the plane, neither the Flight Attendant and other
passengers bother to help the Passenger while he’s falling on the ground and bumping
into things (summarize the part when the Passenger is flying up and down)
○ It’s the Flight Attendant’s responsibility is to help and assist the passengers,
which he does not do
○ The passengers represent ​logos
■ They don’t help the Passenger because he was rude to the Flight
○ The Passenger shows a ​hyperbole
■ when he is flying up and down in the plane
● Transition

● Transition
● What audience is this clip for?
● The stereotypes (list which ones) show a deeper meaning to the video
○ Explain how and how it relates to my thesis
● Thesis (re-written)

- Don’t summarize the skit, explain more of the stereotypes
- Use ethos, pathos, logos with the other passengers
- Hyperbole: explain how it’s extreme that the Passenger is flying up and down on the
plane and how that proves my thesis
- Support my paper more, follow with my argument
- Make an outline and get rid of summary
- Limit myself to 1-2 sentences of summary
- Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced, page number in the top right corner
Your name

Synthesize your argument
● Avoid summarizing your main points
○ Instead, show how they fit together
● Pull out the unifying idea for the reader
● Prove to the reader that your proved your thesis
Answer the “so what” question
● Prove that your argument matters
● Imagine you have to answer the question “why should anyone care?”
○ Keep answering the question until your answer seems meaningful

Counter arguments
● If your thesis is doing its job effectively, it will be ​arguable
● Consider the opposing arguments and explain briefly why they are not true
○ Expose yourself to other arguments to prove that you’re acknowledging other
points being made
Broader Arguments
● Place your argument in a larger context
● Discuss the argument’s wider implications
● What influence your argument has on others
What to Avoid:
● Introducing a new idea/argument into the conclusion
● Including substantial evidence
○ Including a quote or something to prove a point (not okay)
● Only restating the thesis and doing nothing else
● Including irrelevant ideas

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