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The meat and dairy industry is a waste of energy and it’s one of the reasons that’s keeping us

from being sustainable

- What does sustainable mean?

- Find alternatives for sustainability
- Turn off the water, reuse clothes, travel sustainably, recycle, limit your trash
- Cowspiracy documentary
- Renewable resources
- How to save energy with those resources
- Ways to be sustainable

Introduction: ​context + problem/complication + proposed argument or research question

a. Context

“How Much Water Do Cows Drink.” ​UNL Beef​,

Rodgers, Diana, et al. “How Much Feed Does It Take To Produce a Pound of Beef?”
Sustainable Dish​, 12 May 2019,

Selk, Glenn. “How Much Hay Will a Cow Consume?” ​Drovers​, Oklahoma State University,
2018, ​​.

Hallock, Betty. “To Make a Burger, First You Need 660 Gallons of Water ...” ​Los Angeles
Times,​ Los Angeles Times, 27 Jan. 2014,

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