Active and Interactive (P)

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Active and interactive station


1) Psychiatry : mini mental status of schizophrenia

2) Commed : method of contraception for a 40+ year old lady with 4 children
3) Paeds : febrile fits
4) Surgery : Per rectal examination
5) O&G : pap smear

(Commed 1)

1)Mention the type of diagram provided (1m)

2)State the term would best describe the problem of cholera in Africa (0.5m)

3)Name the term would best describe the occurrence of the disease in the Americas in 2011 (0.5m)

4)State the term would best describe the cholera situation for the world in 1991 and 2010 (1m)

5)List two (2) epidemiological reasons for the increase in cases in 1991 ans 2010 (2m)

(O&G 1)

-video of caesarean station

1)Identify the procedure being performed in this video (1m)

2)List the two (2) each of following complications of the procedure

(a) Anaesthetic complication (1m)

(b) Immediate complication (1m)

(c)Early complication (1m)

(d) late complication (1m)

(Paeds 1)

An 11 year old patient presented with cough, breathlessness and high grade fever for 4 days. A chest
X-Ray done for this patient is displayed.

1)List three (3) abnormal findings in the X-ray (1.5m)

2)State the diagnosis (1m)

3)List four (4) causes for this condition (1m)

4)State the treatment for the above condition (1.5m)

(Medicine 1)

Mrs. J a 40-years old women, a non-smoker, was brought to the A/E departments with the
complaints of severe shortness of breath with no chest pain.


1)Identify the characteristic of the breath sound in term of the respiratory cycle (1m)

2)State the diagnosis based on the sound that you have heard (1m)

3)State the clinical diagnosis (1m)

4)Name two (2) investigations you will do for this condition (1m)

5)Name two (2) complications of this condition (1m)

(Medicine 2)

A picture showing the face of Mr.Rosely, a 32 year old man presented with a left sided facial
paraesthesia, numbness and weakness for one (1) day is provided.

1)Identify three (3) abnormal findings seen on the face of Mr.Rosely (1.5m)

2) State the diagnosis (1m)

3)Mention the cranial nerve involved in this condition (0.5m)

4)Mention the site of the neuronal lesion (0.5m)

5)Name three (3) causes of this condition (1.5m)

(Medicine 3)

54 year old Mr.Watson has been a diabetic for the last 12 years that is not well controlled. He was
brought to the Emergency Department in a state of unconsciousness. On examination he had rapid
shallow breathing with sweet smell and severe dehydration.

Results of an arterial blood sample taken immediately and analysed are provided.

PH – 7.2

Pco2 – 40 mm of Hg

PO2 – 92 mm of Hg

HCO3 – 13 mcq/L

SaO2 – 95%

1)State the name of Acid-Base disturbance (1m)

2)State the cause of the Acid-Base disturbance (1m)

3)Mention the electrolyte imbalance that might occur in this situation (1m)

4)Name two (2) important steps of management (1m)

5)Name two (2) complications of this condition (1m)

(Surgery 1)

An urgent investigation done on a 19 year old young man who was brought to the Emergency
Department following a Road Traffic Accident is displayed. His Glassgow Coma Scale was 10/15.

1)Name the investigation that was done (1m)

2)State the lesion seen within the skull bone (1m)

3)State the diagnosis (1m)

4)Mention the underlying causes for this condition (1m)

5)State the emergency surgical management of this patient (1m)

(Surgery 2)

A video clip of disease condition is being played.

1)Identify the disease shown in the video clip (1m)

2)Name the investigation that is being performed for this condition in the video clip (1m)

3)List three (3) treatment options of the disease shown. (3m)

(Ortho 1)

A picture of a patient taken soon after injury to the left lower extremity is provided

1)state the diagnosis (1m)

2)State the reason which justify your diagnosis (1m)

3)State two (2) immediate and two (2) late complication which can occur with this lesion (2m)

(a)Immediate complication

(b)Late complication

4)Mention how this condition to be treated (1m)

(Ophthal 1)

24 year old gentleman presented to the ED with history of the blunt trauma to his left eye.

Picture “A” shows his eye at primary gaze

Picture “B” shows his eyes at supraversion

Picture “C” shows his skull X-ray projected in Water’s view

1)Identify the abnormality in the affected eye (1m)

2)State any other two (2) clinical features that can be presented (1m)

3)Observe the skull X-ray in the picture “C” and state the positive finding (1m)

4)State your diagnosis (1m)

5)State any two (2) possible complication of blunt trauma (1m)

(ENT 1)

A picture of a young lady who been suffering from one-sided facial weakness for the past few days is
provided. She has no other associated features or co-morbidity other than this facial problem.

1)State the most likely diagnosis for this condition (1m)

2)State four (4) medical treatment based on your diagnosis (2m)

3)State two (2) operative and two (2) non-operative secondary causes that may lead to this kind of

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