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The day of the dead is a traditional date where it is customary to

visit the cemeteries, the preparation of the “cola morada” and the
“guaguas”. November two is a traditional date where the Catholic
and Christian faith is mixed with indigenous culture, the celebration
varies in each city of the country. It is customary to visit the
cemeteries with the intention of bringing food to share with the
family, going on a visit leaving roses or cards to loved ones who rest
in that place and to fix the graves. The “colada morada” is part of
this celebration, it is a sweet drink based on fruits, species and flour.
The ingredients of “colada morada” may vary but blackberries and
black or purple cornmeal always have in common. Its origin is
Andean and dates back more than 5000 years. It represents the
blood of the dead. The “guagas de pan” are also part of this
celebration, these are molds of human figures decorated with colors
and filled with jam. It represents the body of the dead. These
delights beyond symbolizing the relationship between the living and
the dead are already part of Ecuadorian cuisine, their preparation
and taste varies according to the taste of each family.

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