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Kelly Wilson

07 October 2019

Mrs. Kacvinsky

AP Lang

Shadow Falls​ by C.C. Hunter is a collection of romance and fantasy books that follow

Kylie Green as she discovers what type of supernatural she is after being sent to boarding school.

The Lunar Chronicles​, a book series by Marrissa Meyer which follows Cinder, a talented

mechanic and a cyborg, as she uncovers secrets about her past.

Kylie Green, the main character in ​Shadow Falls​, is sent to a summer camp after her

mom finds out she was at a party with drugs. When she gets to the summer institution she finds

out it’s a camp for supernatural teens. Kylie refuses to believe that she’s supernatural, even when

she begins to see ghosts. Kylie learns she’s a chameleon, a rare type of supernatural, which puts

her in danger, and she meets her birth father and her grandparents on his side.

Cinder sells bolts and screws at her booth. Since, she’s a cyborg she’s considered a

second class citizen in the eyes of the other shopkeepers and her stepmother and stepsisters.

When Cinders youngest step-sister develops letumosis (the plague), Cinders older step-sister

blames her and signs her up for a research project to find a cure. Though this research project

Cinder learns she’s lunar, Princess Selene, the heir to the lunar throne, and her real identity puts a

target on her back, the current lunar Queen tried to assassinate her niece years ago.

Both girls are faced with tremendous difficulty as they discover their true identities and

find their purpose.

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