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Keyly Sandoval

Dr. Santosh Khadka

English 113B

1 December 2019

Website Remediation Reflection

Remediation is the action of remedying something, in particular of revising or stopping

environmental damage. In this case, we are reflecting on the remediation of our website and our

essay. Remediation is very important because you always want to find ways to improve your

projects or assignments. Having someone with a fresh set of eyes revise your papers or projects

puts you at an advantage because they can notice things you missed. They can give you pointers

on what you should add, should leave-in, or need to take out. For this Text-to-Web project,

everyone one in the class wrote a 7-to-8 page essay on a global crisis of our choice. I decided to

write my paper on Human Trafficking as a global crisis. The thesis of my paper was that human

trafficking is the modern version of slavery and why women are targetted the most. If we can

bring awareness to others about the crisis and give them the right resources to defend themselves

we can help fight against human trafficking. Next, we had to convert the essay into a website.

After we created the essay we got paired up with another peer to be able to revise or give advice

on how to better our websites. Sadly I was paired with someone who never replied to my email

so I wasn’t able to get some feedback until the night before the due date. Our SI leader reviewed

my website and gave me a lot of ideas and options on how I could make my website look more

appealing to the audience. The essay and the website are about the same subject but were not

formatted the same.

For the website, I was able to use casual language and some slang words, unlike the

essay. I tried to use the least amount of slang because my website is worldwide accessible and

some people will not be able to understand those phrases or words mean. I had the complete

freedom of expression and design for my website. I was able to choose the template and colors

by myself. I was able to embed videos and images to make it more appealing to the audience.

The targeted audience of choice for my website was everyone in the world with the purpose to

inform about this specific global crisis. I was also able to have open formatting and to add media

artifacts. I did not have any sort of limitations on what I could do or put on my website. I decided

to use some of the same sources I used for my paper because it was going to help set the

foundation for my website. I went and took out the most important things of each paragraph from

the essay and added it to the website. I chose to only put the important or main information

because if you enter a website that has a lot of words you will end up clicking out. I am speaking

from a personal level because whenever I see a lot of words, I do not bother looking at that site


For my essay, I didn’t have as much freedom because there were strict formatting

guidelines. I was only able to use formal language and nothing outside of that was acceptable

because points could be deduced. I had to make sure my punctions were correct, had no grammar

errors, and didn’t have any contractions. Every academic paper by nature has no freedom of

design and expression is limited because of the academic discourse. In my essay, I had to evoke

emotion which requires a greater knowledge of the language and advanced descriptive skills. I

still had to incorporate imagery and symbolism into the paper. As for the audience of my paper,

it was directed to professors, peers, and other academic figures. The purpose of this research
paper was academic. I had to document my sources, use MLA standard format, and add journals.

I had to back up my thesis with facts, statistics, and credible sources to prove my point. Essays

are more about using credible information to win over the reader and leaving them with the point

of view you intended for them to have. When you write a research paper you have to make your

audience believe you are credible by doing your research.

After I got my website revised I changed and added some things. I deleted my initial

video on my home page because it didn’t fit in with the rest of the information. I only focused on

sex trafficking and forced labor but left out other ways humans are trafficked. So I added more

the other ways humans are trafficked and put up more images to make it more interesting. I did

keep the initial theme the same for the website because it is a very serious topic. I also added

more resources to the resource tab because I only had one. I did not have a lot of content or

enough images on each tab so I went ahead and added more. On my vulnerable tab, I mostly

added pictures of who is vulnerable and a video of personal testimonies of how they were

victims. As for the safety tips tab, I only had one thing on there so I went ahead and added a

video of some of the signs trafficking victims give off. I added ways to protect yourself on social

media as well.

I am so glad I got a second opinion on my website and was able to perfect it. I was

missing a lot of stuff to help engage the audience. By adding videos and images I made it more

interesting and engageable. This was my first time making a project or website. I learned a lot on

how to target the audience and grab their attention not just with writing but using visuals to

manipulate them. Text-to-web remediation was a successful assignment.

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