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Prophet(Pbuh) as Educator



It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from

themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching
them the Book and wisdom - although they were before in clear

b) I have been sent as a teacher.(Hadith)

c) “I have never seen a teacher before and after the Prophet(S.A.W) better
in teaching than he”.(Mu’awiyah ibn Al-Hakam).

d) The lexicographical meaning of "tabligh" is to deliver, inform, and

spread. As a term, it points to the Prophet's(S.A.W) delivering the
message to humans exactly as he received it from Allah.

Importance of education in Quran and Hadith:

Read in the name of your Lord who created.(AL-Alaq)

b) “Those truly fear Allah, among His servants who possess

c) “Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?”(Az-

d) “ To acquire knowledge is obligatory upon all Muslims, men and


e) “ The best amongst you is the one who learns and teaches

Education system under Prophet(Pbuh):

a) The Prophet(S.A.W) conveyed the message of Islam which aims at

universal "reform" for humanity. The task was difficult, but the
Prophet never thought of using compulsion. While delivering the
message of Allah, he behaved as described in the Quran. He
perceived "tabligh" as a task for teaching and training and he tried to
realize the social reform he aimed at by educating people.

b) He(S.A.W) always commanded the muslims to acquire knowledge.

1) “The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the

2) “He who leaves his home in search of knowledge walks in the path
of God.”

c) Education in pre islamic Arabia:

i) Various educational institutions existed and some seasonal

literary activity was being carried out in pre islamic
Arabia.However, they were mostly for poetical and
rhetorical contests.The Ukaz fair was regarded as the Pan-
Arabian literary congress by Dr Hamidullah.Certain
elementary schools existed like Hudhayl near Makkah, the
Thaqif of Taif.

d) Mosques/Schools under Prophet(Pbuh):

ii) Educational institutions in the real sense were established

by the Holy Prophet(Pbuh) after his migration to Medina.In
the battle of Badr, the captured Quraish were set free on
the condition of teaching script and grammar to ten muslim
children.Since then literacy and education spread rapidly
among the people of Medina.Schools were founded in the
Mosques of Medina which became both the places of
worship and education.Among them the mosque school of
Quba,a suburb of Medina was the most important
ones.When the islam spread over the whole peninsula, the
Prophet(S.A.W) sent teachers to teach the Quran and Islam
to the Bedouin tribes.

e) Higher centers of learning:Suffa:

iii) There was a terrace alongside the Masjid al Nabvi.In Arabic

the terrace is called al-Suffa.There were more than eighty
companions, who dedicated their lives in search of the
knowledge of the Holy Quran and Hadith.They are called
Ashab al Suffa.This was the first islamic university and the
practical example for disseminating the knowledge by the
Prophet(Pbuh).The Holy Prophet(Pbuh) used to teach them
daily.They were held in high esteem by the General body of
the Muslims.Among these learned ones the names of
Muadh bin Jabal, and Abu Darda are prominent.

f) Subjects of Study:
iv) The fundamental purposes of education in early islam
included, firstly, to impart knowledge of the Quran and
instruction in the faith, and, secondly to mould the habits
and character of the pupils in the morality of islam.The
Quran formed the general basis for study and the pupils
were required to learn it by heart.After this they practiced
calligraphy.The students of the higher educational
institutions were further instructed in
Arithmetic,Genealogy,Medicine and the principles of
islamic law.Apart from curricular activities , the Holy
Prophet(Pbuh) laid particular stress upon physical
education.e.g archery, wrestling, horse riding, use of swords.

g) Respect for Teachers:

v) The teachers were held in high esteem by the

Prophet(S.A.W) and the early Muslims.Often the Governers
of the provinces were chosen from among them.The
Prophet(S.A.W) once said that the teachers are the
perfection of mankind.He(S.A.W) further remarked
“Verily,the Scholars are the successors of the prophets.”

h) Study of foreign languages:

vi) One of the most remarkable features of the educational

system under the Holy Prophet(S.A.W) was the study of
foreign languages.It was necessary for the work of the
intelligence officers and for correspondence with foreign
rulers.Several secretaries of the Prophet(S.A.W) knew
foreign languages.Zayd bin Thabit had learnt persian , Latin,
Greek and Hebrew.Abdullah bin Zubair was equally
proficient in several foreign languages.
Education methods of Prophet(Pbuh):

1) Brainstorming: Brainstorming is targeting an innovative problem

solving, find new projects, stimulate thinking and creativity
training and apprentice students (Debabeche, Methodology of
The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in Education.) A brainstorming
used by the Prophet when asked his followers: (What are the
trees whose leaves never falls, that looks like the Muslim? Tell me
about it? Here the Prophet does not specify a particular person to
get the answer from which may have the impression of

2) Hitting Parables: The Prophet gave preliminary and great

importance to the way of hitting parables and metaphor for being
an effective and influential role in the process of teaching and
development of moral and social values.( Ali, (2002) Sunnah of
the Prophet: Educational Vision). The Prophet(S.A.W) hired
hitting proverbs to illustrate his sermons to the people; which has
a rhetorical persuasive power. . An evidence, when the Prophet
said:(Such as the believers in their mutual love and mercy and
compassion like the body if an organ complained to falter, the
rest of the body ensuring fever). Al-Zahrani, (2003). Teaching
Methods Derived From Translations of Imam Bukhari on Talks of
Science Book for "Sahih Albukhari".

3) Pondering:He(S.A.W) used to polish the probing faculties of his

followers by engaging them in metaphysical subjects.He(S.A.W)
says “ Pondering for a moment is better than divine service for
whole night.”
4) Hikmah(wisdom):Hikmah is defined as saying the right thing at
the right time to the right people in the right manner.The Quran

says. “

“ Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good

instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.”(Al-Nahl)

5) Competition: Competition spirit among learners raises best

learning and practicing. The Prophet encouraged his followers in
competition, as an example when he said: (If people know what
excellence reward is there in Azan and first row of prayer, they'll
conduct voting on them.) Al-Hazmi, (2000)The Assets of Islamic

6) Wondering and Interrogative: The Prophet utilize wondering and

interrogative while teaching his followers, this style is one of the
important and influential methods in the field of education that
creates positive interaction between student and teacher. The
prophet utilized the interrogative question as an educational style
with his followers by directing them to various questions trigger
their attention and stimulate their minds for thinking and
understanding. The Prophet questions to his companions or they
asked him about it may categorized under: testing, analytical,
ordering, attention attraction, event preparation, aims
identification.(Al-Zahrani, 2003).

7) Mental Persuasion: The Prophet fostered mental persuasion

development, which are the key of scientific discoveries' growth
of the human mind. An example of utilizing mental persuasion,
when a man came to the Prophet and said:( O Messenger of Allah,
my boy was born black(suspect in his wife), the Prophet said: Do
you have camels? Man said: Yes, Prophet said, what colors? He
said: Reds, said: Is one of them grey? Man said: Yes, Prophet said:
How so? Man said: mutation, Prophet Said: Perhaps your son is
mutation). Siddiqui, (2008) Translation of Sahih Muslim.

8) Entice and Intimidate (Carrot and stick): Entice is attempting to

motivate individuals’ act performing, belief, or a perception,
while the intimidation is warning of doing them. The Prophet
said:( Generous close to Allah; close to people; close to paradise,
far away from the Hell, and Scrooge is far away from Allah; far
away from people; far away from paradise, close to the Hell. Here
the human should think how to go forward in doing good work,
best worshiping sync with well behaviour to get the reward and in
the same time be aware of the punishment. Al-Twaim,
(2011)Principles of Assets in Prophet School Curriculum.

9) Perfect Speaker:Prophet(S.A.W) was methodical in his teaching

techniques and never rushed his orations.According to his
beloved wife Syeda Aisha(R.A). “….spoke in such a way that if one
were to count his words ,they could be counted.”Bukhari.


“ There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an
excellent pattern.”(Al-ahzaab)

2) Sheikh Saadi in his Rubai on Prophet(S.A.W).

“He attained exaltation by his perfection

He dispelled darkness by his beauty
Beauteous are all his qualities
Benediction be on him and on his family.”
3) These were some of the techniques and methods of da`wah
adopted and applied by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) by which he earned the hearts of almost all those he invited
to Islam.

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