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Poetry Reflection

Poetry has always been something I struggle with, reading and writing. I remember when
I was in elementary school I had always thought of poetry as something that rhymes and only
rhymes. But then when I got into older grades, I found out that it doesn’t have to rhyme, just like
sometimes songs don’t. But that didn’t help me like it anymore than I already did. So, when we
were starting this genre, I was very nervous for what was about to be written and if I was going
to be able to. During class, we were practicing with different types of poetry. I actually was
having a fun time! When me and my shoulder partner were practicing poetry where you try to
use the same letter a bunch of times, that was my favorite one I wrote. There was a list of words
in the book, and I had noticed after I wrote it, that I wanted to publish it as it was. I was so
excited for myself. I think I was excited because I went into the poetry unit thinking I was going
to hate it, and I ended up writing something half decent. Now that I have two pieces published, I
am beginning to get more confident in my poetry. The other piece I have published is the one
called “Where I’m From”. I wanted to write this one because being from Illinois in a
Okalhoma/Texas/California dominated school, I have felt out of place since day one and I still do
at times. This one was a PSA to all my readers that I am more than the girl from Illinois. When I
was writing this one, I was thinking what do my readers need to know about me and what do
they think they know? I am really pleased with this one. The whole idea started with an outline
of Illinois I had in my writer’s notebook, and I just started writing the poem inside of the outline.
I thought that brought an interesting touch to the piece. No matter how much my students think
they hate poetry, I can guarantee one day they will publish something they are very proud of.

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