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Journal of Consciousness Entry 3

Catherine Achenbach

This week we covered a lot in class, like contradicting some popular myths about Santa

(the mushroom discussion) and the idea that Christmas is a man-made holiday. This part of our

discussion led to me reflect on a specific type of religion and worship known as Jehovah’s

Witness. I have a friend whose family member follows this religion and because of it does not

believe in or celebrate any man-made holidays, as they are not holy and are created by humanity.

Previously I had not really ever understood this, and I’m still not sure that I do, as I enjoy the

holidays that we have created enormously. I don’t believe that what our holidays do necessarily

bring us closer to a higher power or higher level of thinking through what they are always about,

but I think they bring us closer to each other as family and friends, which brings us closer to a

higher power more than anything.

Being able to love your neighbor is probably the best way to be like God in my opinion,

which brings us to a better understanding of what we’re all really here to do on earth. My level of

consciousness at this point in my life is that we’re all here to grow and get to a point in our

minds where trivial conflicts and differences do not affect us. I believe that we all are here to

reach a point where we can truly love everyone, which means we don’t have to like everyone but

we must respect them as people. Every year when I celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter,

or any other man-made holiday, I am able to see those around me come closer and give to those

who need it, which I think it the best example of loving your neighbor. These are just a few

musings that came when we started talking about holidays and religion. I do love talking about

how religion isn’t really cut and dry, which has always been my feelings towards it.

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