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sUMU Lesson Plan Template

Name: ​Haley Lane Date:​ Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Grade Level: ​5th Class Period:
Subject:​ Science Lesson # & Title:
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
Introduce New Skill or Content
□ Practice
□ Review
□ Remediation/Re-teaching

Context for Learning and Planning Rationale:

Learner Attributes:
I am student teaching in Ransom H. Barr Elementary school in Plain Local School District. There are 369 students
enrolled. The diversity is there but not big at all, there are about 14 Hispanics, 48 Multiracial, and 249 students
that are White. There are less than ten students enrolled that are classified as American Idian and Asian. The
school is an economic disadvantage with 220 students enrolled. As far as students that are enrolled with
disabilities, there are about 23 students.
I have 18 students in the class, 10 boys and 8 girls. This is an inclusion classroom, with one student on an IEP,
another student with a 504 plan and four students identified with ADHD. Within this class we have 5 African
American students and 13 Caucasian students. Several of these students come from financially unstable homes.
● One female students has been identified with SLD and is reading below her classmates.
● One male student with a 504 plan has ADHD

● There are 6 different tables that has 2-4 students sitting at. There are tables instead of desks to encourage
group work and collaboration. The students sitting at the tables together will hopefully motivate the
students that get off task. It will also increase social interactions
● The student on the 504 plan does not like to be near a lot of other students, so he is placed in the back of
the room with one other student. This way the student will have his own space.
● There are two tall tables in the back of the room that can sit four students each.these tall tables are for the
students that need to stand up and stretch.
● In the room, there is a circle table that is low to the ground. Around the table, there are pellows and
comfortable seating for the students to go if they are working with partners. They can sit there and
become comfortable so they don’t have to stay sitting in their desk and hard chairs.
● In the front of the room, there are multiple desks pushed together in an oval, the students sit there when
the class work in small groups with the teacher.

Cultural Responsive Rationale:

In planning this lesson, I will need to consider the students' prior experience with food webs. I will also need to
consider if this plan accommodates each student needs. In this lesson, I will be cautious with the plan and make
sure it accommodates to diversity.

Content Standards:
Standard: 5​ LS Organisms perform a variety of roles in an ecosystem.
Revised January 2018
Rationale:​ This standard is being taught because being able to see and compare how things are related and
connected to each other will be an important skill to have in life. Students have already been introduced to food
chains, so the next step is to expand their knowledge and take a unit test. At the end of this lesson, the students
will be able to compare different animals and plants and put them into a food web

Learning Objectives:
1. When given different animals and plants, the students will be able to put them in the correct order in a
food chain, with 80% accuracy.

Academic Language:
- Food web
- interlocking food chains
- interdependent food chains
- decomposes

Assessment Plan
Formative Assessment:
1. Do a quick understanding to make sure everyone can state what they are supposed to be doing. Have the
students tell you what they are supposed to be doing. If the students have any questions, allow them to ask
2. Once they get with their 10 o’clock partners and start working on their activity, walk around the room and
make observations on each student and pair. Make a mental note on which students are getting it and
which ones are having a hard time.
3. While you are walking around,if you notice a student or partner group struggling with the activity, help
and prompt them to the correct answer and how the animals are connected to each other. If you notice a
lot of students that are having a difficult time on the activity, stop the class and explain to them what they
are supposed to be doing.

Summative Assessment:
1. The summative assessment will be done later in the week before the unit test.

Procedures, Lesson Introduction: 5 minutes

1. Greet students at the door and say hi to each of them.
2. Once the students are sitting in their seat, tell the students to look towards the front of the classroom
where the agenda is on the board.
3. Tell the students that today we will be reviewing food chains. Once we are done reviewing food chains a
little bit as a class, they will work with partners.

Procedures, Lesson Body:

Model and Presentation (Explicit)-

Structured and Guided Practice-

1. Begin by having the students do a Turn & Talk with the people sitting at their table. They will discuss
what they remember about what a food web shows and what a food web is. The students should already
know this from the previous lessons taught.

Revised January 2018

2. After a couple of minutes, call on the groups and have them tell the teacher what they came up with.
When the students are tell the teacher what they came up with, write them on the board so the class can
see what each group came up with. Write what each group says even if it is the same.
3. Explain to the students that food webs show how two things are connected. Explain to the students that
today we will be practicing that plants and animals are connected to one another, even humans.
4. Tell the students that they will be working with partners to create a food web on paper using given
animals. They will use string to show how they are connected.
5. Have the students get out their clock partner papers and see who their 10 o’clock partner is. Once the
teacher says “Top Dogs move” the students will get with their partners. Tell the students that if they
would like to be a group of 3 and 4 for more help, then they can partner with another group.
6. Once they get with their 10 o’clock partners, hang out the animals/plants, scissors, string,and glue. Have
the students carefully cut out each animal and plant. Before they start to cut, remind the students about the
safety of how to use scissors. Tell the students once they are done cutting, they will put the animals and
plants into the web they would like and then glue everything down. ​Then have students place a string
between each animal that is connected as part of the food web​. ​Once they start working on their activity,
walk around the room and make observations on each student and pair. Make a mental note on which
students are getting it and which ones are having a hard time. (formative assessment)
7. While you are walking around, if you notice a student or partner group struggling with the activity, help
and prompt them to the correct answer and how the animals are connected to each other. If you notice a
lot of students that are having a difficult time on the activity, stop the class and explain to them what they
are supposed to be doing (formative assessment)
8. Once the students are done, have them discuss with their group how they think each part of the food web
is connected.
Independent Practice-
1. Once they are done working in their groups and they have each made a food web and discussed what they
did. The students will add in another animal of their choice. They will write about what would happen
when the animal is added in to the food web. Once they are done, they will hand in both their food web
and their paragraph about adding in another animal.
2. When the students are done, they will hand it into the teacher to get graded.
3. Make sure to tell the students that they will be graded on how complete and correct the answers on their
paper are. This will help the teacher realize who understand food webs and who does not.

Procedures, Lesson Closure:

1. Summarize by saying, “Today, we reviewed food webs and even make one themselves.”
2. Ask some of the students to share what animal they added and what would have happened when the
animal was added to the web.
3. Say, “Next, we will be reviewing more and taking our unit test.”

Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:

● The students will be self-evaluating themselves. If they think they do not understand the content, they will
partner up with another group for extra help.

Instructional Materials and Support:

● Animal photos (attached)
● String

Revised January 2018

● Scissors
● Construction paper
● Glue/tape

Research and Theory Commentary:

1. Albert Bandura’s social modeling theory is used in this lesson when the teacher models to the students
how you play the top-it activity before the students worked in partners.
2. Lev Vygotsky’s theory is about learning through social interaction. This is extremely important for
students to work together in the classroom during lessons because they can help each other out and gain
knowledge by a peer. In this lesson, there will be social interaction with each other through their partner
3. In this lesson, I used an Active Student Response Strategy. It falls under an action response, “show me”.
Show me is when the teachers gives a prompt or question to the students, then asks them to show their
understanding by signaling. The students will be showing their understanding with telling the teacher
what they are supposed to be working on and doing with their partner and when they are coming to the
board after they do the problem at their chairs.

Use of Technology Commentary (if applicable):

N/A-- this does not apply to my lesson

Reflection and Instructional Commentary (if applicable):

Revised January 2018

Revised January 2018
Revised January 2018

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