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Beaconhouse School System 2nd Assessment of Science

Name: _____________________ Date: 31st October, 2019 TOTAL MARKS: 20

Q1. Choose the best answer. (2.5 marks)
1. The component of the blood which helps in making blood clot is _______.
a. WBC b. platelet c. plasma d. serum

2. Plasma is the ______ part of the blood.

a. Solid b. liquid c. dry d. complex

3. Particulates are tiny particles of ________ and other substances.

a. Air spaces b. soot c. smoke d. CO

4. The addictive drug present in cigarette is _______.

a. Iodine b. sodium c. nicotine d. aspirin

5. Some of the energy released from glucose during respiration is _____ energy.
a. Heat b. chemical c. physical d. stored

Q.2 Tick the one (True/False) after reading the statement carefully. (2.5 marks)

1. Expired air contains more oxygen than inspired air. True/False

2. Carbon monoxide is a visible gas. True/False

3. Capillaries have thin walls, made up of many layers of cells. True/False

4. The hemoglobin deficient in oxygen is called oxy-hemoglobin. True/False

5. All arteries carry oxygenated blood. True/False

Q. 4 (a). Label the following diagram: (2 marks)

(b) Briefly describe how the gas exchange takes place between air sac and capillary? (2marks)

Topic: Human Blood and Respiratory System Class: VII Session: 2019-20
Beaconhouse School System 2nd Assessment of Science

Q: Respiration is a chemical reaction that happens inside the cells. (2marks)
(A) Write down the word equation for respiration.

(B) This reaction is known as aerobic respiration. Explain why it is described as “aerobic”.

Q.5 answer the following questions. (2 MARKS FOR EACH)

Topic: Human Blood and Respiratory System Class: VII Session: 2019-20
Beaconhouse School System 2nd Assessment of Science

I. Arrange the following from the smallest to the biggest: organ, organism, nucleus, cell, tissue,
II. Write any two functions of the nervous system.

III. What is a tissue and organ? Give one example of each.


Topic: Human Blood and Respiratory System Class: VII Session: 2019-20

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