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Brian Askins

1. Implementation of Feedback

The feedback I received on the first episode of my podcast helped me understand what I

can do better if I were to make a second episode. I was told that I did not sound super

enthusiastic and I should add more enthusiasm in future episodes. I was also told that the sound

was a little varied from the beginning to the end and I would definitely love to fix this, however I

was using Garage Band which was hard to work with and I could not find how to change the

audio levels. With better equipment and more enthusiasm, I believe I could make my podcast

more enjoyable to listen to.

2. Learning Reflection

Based on the feedback received I learned that it is important to take criticism to make

your final product even better. Hardly anyone can get anything perfect the first time, but with

revisions, they can make it better over time. If I were to do this project again, I would have gone

to the IgnitED labs and used their sound equipment and editing software to make it sound more

professional. I would also get my work reviewed before I turned it in so I can make revisions

before the final product is turned in.

3. Alternative Use / Future Directions

Podcasts can be used to give information in a conversational way. They are great to do

while multitasking and doing other things like driving or cleaning the house. Podcasts can also

be used by teachers to give to students in case they missed a lesson or they want to listen to the

lecture again. I have never heard of teachers doing this, but I could see the positive sides to doing


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