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Brian Askins

Expression Module Reflection

Implementation of Feedback

While I cannot change the project since it has been turned in, I was still able to use the

peer feedback to fix some of the issues with my project. The feedback was mainly positive, but

also had good points that improved the overall quality of my finished content. I was able to

implement feedback from Cody about explaining in depth how I plan to use audio in my project.

It allowed me to think a little more about how I was going to actually complete the project. I was

also able to make my artist statement a little more fluid with the feedback I received.

Learning Reflection

All of the modules that we have completed in this class have helped my revision skills. If

I were to start this project over again, I would probably choose a different project idea. I was

originally thinking about creating a 3D printed object to show my education philosophy and how

I would use technology, however it was too difficult to come up with an abstract art idea to

represent in a 3D object. If I had more time, I could have made several prototypes of the 3D print

and revised it until it looked good, but with the time given, I had to choose something easier.

Alternative Use / Future Directions

The technology I used for my project was a mix of a PowerPoint and a similar form of

the Podcast we completed earlier in the semester. The best use of this would be if I am out of the

class but there is still a lesson that needs to be taught. The substitute can play the PowerPoint

presentation and I can still be in the classroom to teach the kids. They can then also refer to this

later on when they are working on homework at home. I believe that this will help improve the

learning environment for the future generation of students.

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