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Ingles 1

Unit # _3-3__

I. General Information
Course : _English 1______________________ Code: __ 0162INE020402 ___
Hours: 3 Unit duration: 10 días

Specific Objectives:
The student will be able to learn when to use the object pronouns me, you,
him, her, it, us, them and use them correctly in sentences.
Skills to Develop:
• Can produce simple, mainly isolated phrases about people and places.
• Can describe him/herself, what he/she does and where he/she lives.
• Can ask and answer questions about him/herself and other people,
where they live, people they know, things they have.
• Can ask for things and give people things.
• Can make simple purchases by stating what is wanted and asking the
• Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully articulated, with long
pauses for him/her to assimilate meaning.
• Can understand and extract essential information from short, recorded
passages dealing with predictable everyday matters which are delivered
slowly and clearly.
• Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase at a time,
picking up familiar names, words and basic phrases and rereading as
• Can get an idea of the content of simpler informational material and
short, simple descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
• Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she
encounters such as websites and short online articles.
Ingles 1

• Can write simple, isolated phrases and sentences.

• Can ask for or pass on personal details in written form.

Forum Description:

After reading the material, the student will be able to participate in the
discussion forum and:

- Practice writing simple sentences about the devices they can’t live

Activities Description:
You will practice via clearly staged activities in the Grammar Practice,
Vocabulary Practice, and Communication Practice sections. Please remember to
log in and use the available resources as: The Personal Best Language App. The
Workbook, and the Richmond Learning Platform.

Homework Description:
They cover grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation and use accessible graded
texts or audio to contextualize the language point.

II. Content

Object Pronouns
This lesson explains the correct usage of pronouns. They replace nouns. A
different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being
replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence.
Ingles 1

III. Content Development

Object Pronouns

An object pronoun is a type of personal pronoun that is normally used as a

grammatical object, either as the direct or indirect object of a verb, or as the
object of a preposition. These pronouns always take the objective case,
whether they are indirect object pronouns or direct object pronouns.

The seven basic pronouns take on different forms when used as object
pronouns rather than as subject pronouns:

• I becomes Me
• You becomes You (tnis rule applies for singular and plural use)
• He becomes Him
• She becomes Her
• It becomes It
• We becomes Us
• They becomes Them

If you know how to find the object of a sentence, then you will find it very easy
to identify an object pronoun when you see one. To find the object of a
sentence, locate the nouns and verbs and mentally separate them from the rest
of the words the sentence contains. Both the subject and object of the
sentence will be nouns or pronouns. The subject will be the one doing the
action the verb describes. The object is the noun or pronoun receiving the
action. Making things even simpler, when the object is not a noun, it’s an object

Just like subject pronouns, object pronouns can be singular or plural,

masculine, feminine, or gender neutral. The masculine or feminine subject
pronoun is used whenever the gender is known. When referring to the weather,
Ingles 1

temperature, time, an inanimate object or a child or animal of undetermined

gender, the neuter form “it” can be used.

Object Pronoun Examples

In the following examples, the subject is in bold, the verb is in italics, and the
object pronoun is in bold and is underlined.

• Bob took her to work Monday.

• Will you please tell them to come in?
• He told you a lie about where he was Saturday.
• Our grandparents gave us candy and our teeth are just fine.

1. Rogers, M., Taylore-Knowles, J & Taylore-Knowles, S. (2014). Open Mind 1A
Textbook. (2nd Edition). Oxford, G.B.: Macmillan Education Elt.

2. Rogers, M., Taylore-Knowles, J & Taylore-Knowles, S. (2014). Open Mind 1A

Workbook. (2nd Edition). Oxford, G.B.: Macmillan Education Elt.

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