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Mid Term Test Prose and Drama

An Analysis of “The American Dream”


1. Mommy
Mommy is the cruel and selfish person. She doesn’t respect anyone. She is obsessed
with her own past and present stories, both crazy and nostalgic. She doesn’t
care about what other people say. She has self-obsession of American society.
Mommy: Oh, I’m so fortunate to have such a husband. Just think; I could have a
husband who was poor, or argumentative, or a husband who sat in a wheel
chair all day… OOOHHHH! What have I said? What have I said?
2. Daddy
Daddy is timid, easily influenced, and he is not confident. He is a wealthy man who
tried his best to make himself confident to taking whatever he asked of him,
because he wanted to support peace. Dad was insecure about his virility. Dad is
an inhibiting character, he often seems to only exist in response to Mommy and
Grandma, and several times he talks with his own mind.
3. Grandma
In this story, Grandma is a stubborn old woman who wants to live her life on her
4. Mrs. Barker
Mrs. Barker is the chairman of the local woman’s club, and she is a friend and
neighbor of Mommy and Daddy. Grandma eventually reveal that Mrs. Barker
was the one to give happiness to Mommy and Daddy in many years ago.
5. Young Man
The Young Man is the last character to show up in the play. He seems to have no idea
what he’s doing at Mommy and Daddy’s house or how he got there in the first
place. The Young Man is handsome, but haunted.


All the characters in The American Dream wrestle with small and large acts of
cruelty as act they experience at once. From Mommy’s steamrolling to ignoring
Daddy, and Daddy not being interested to Mommy. There is wrong society and
the main arbiter of the cruelty drama.

The theme of this play is Family. Because family is one of the most prominent in
the play. The two central characters are called “mommy” and “daddy” are helping
to take care of Grandma in their apartment. But in other ways, they are paternal
figures in America. Mommy is strong while Daddy is weak. Grandma is the
grandmother, making wisecracks, but she is never respected as much as she ought
to be. And at the end of the play, this family is restored by the arrival of the
Young Man.


1. Introduction
Mommy and Daddy sit in a armchairs on either side of the living room. They
complaint to their visitors are late. Mommy returned to the store and made a
scene until given a new hat.
2. Complication
Mommy got satisfaction. Grandma asks who has come is van man or not. Mommy
insists that she made up her mind and knowing what a masculine Daddy.
3. Climax
Grandma announces the Young Man as the van man. The Young Man returns and
reports that all the boxes are outside. Sadly, Grandma wonders why she bothers
to take all the things she has accumulated over the years with hers.
4. Resolution
When Mrs. Baker, Mommy, and Daddy having their dilemma. They will get
satisfaction after all. Mrs. Baker informs her that the van man claimed her.
Mommy replies that is impossible. Grandma then interrupts the celebration and
addresses the audience: we should leave things as they are while everyone has
what they think they want. She bids the audience good night.


In the living room. Two armchairs, one toward either side of the stage, facing each
other diagonally out toward the audience. Against the rear wall, a sofa. A door,
leading out from the apartment, in the rear wall, far stage-right.

Opinion about The American Dream

It is the dream of becoming rich and successful. With success and affluence their
dream of having beautiful houses, full of beautiful furniture, interesting friends,
having beautiful children who have successful careers, or whatever. America has
always called “the land of opportunity” and that is the heart and soul of the
America dream. I think, happiness depends a lot on whether or not one marries the
right person. Maybe happiness it too big a word than everything. Maybe one
should settle for peace of mind.

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