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After the Cold War the Soviet system according to people, failure and Russia moved towards

liberalization, in which it can be said that capitalism had won over the real socialism of Eastern
Europe as a political system. Fukuyama in 1989 says as thesis: "it is the end of history", which
means that an important political and economic system (socialism) has been defeated, this thesis
becomes the basis of foreign policy in the 90's both in Washington like Brussels. The bipolar
system of the Cold War soon ends with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the United
States consolidates itself as a hegemon in the international system

The administration of President George W. Bush led the United States along a more belligerent
path but continues to accept the Washington consensus, which consisted of reforms and
measures to be adopted by developing countries under the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
the Bank World and the Department of the Treasury of the United States.

Bush saw Putin as a reliable man, and together with his advisers they did not consider Russia and
China as a threat. On the other hand, Bush wanted to bring democracy to the Middle East, so the
invasion of Iraq allowed the liberation, exportation of democracy and the fight against terrorism,
to then extend this ideal throughout the world

Without the threat of the Soviets, European countries reduced their military budgets and
concentrated on expanding their social safety nets. To then consolidate a stronger framework for
the integration of European countries.

The Obama administration sought to establish relations with Russia again, reaching old adversaries
such as Cuba and Iran would reduce tensions, and in an atmosphere of reduced tensions, these
regimes would be liberalized. They carried out attacks when they were needed in the Middle East

Economic disasters in Europe gave populist and anti-liberal political movements in the EU and the
US so there was more division and weakness in 2010 than in 1990, for 2016 values, governance
and economy are questioned. Although Russia is a troubled country with problems it can take
advantage of this recent weakness and take advantage

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