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When I begin teaching, I plan to teach elementary and special
education. Within elementary ed, my subjects will vary from reading
to math and from science to history. My personal area of interest
would be reading. Yet, I believe students will use more technology
when learning about history. I would love to explore XR labs so that
students can get the real feeling of history and what it could have
been like to have actually been there in major history events.


My subject area of interest is Extended Reality (XR). I chose this

technology because I find it the most impactful. I also believe it
could be easier to use and students will be more engaged.


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) application I explored was Natural
Language Processing. Within that, I looked more into Speech
Recognition. I chose this type because I imagined using it in a way
that would help students connect with their educator.

For each prompt – provide 1 – 2 paragraphs on your research

experience using each technology.
1. Using this technology could help students understand the
subject area more. For example, if a student has a question on
understanding, they could communicate through a speech
recognition software, such as Siri, that could then relay the
message. It would then be beneficial for ELL students who
struggle to communicate effectively with their teachers. In a
similar way, if they do not feel comfortable speaking in front of
classmates then communicating with a type of speech
recognition software would be very beneficial. Likewise, it can
be useful for students with disabilities who need the help
transcribing their words because they physically cannot do it
2. Although there is a lot of potential for Speech Recognition
technology, there are still aspects that could harm its
performance. One of the many things is not understanding
what exactly was said. This could cause the wrong message to
be sent and lose the correct message somewhere between
input, output, and everything in between. Another issue would
be the time it would take for the message to be replayed,
assuming it was retrieved the right way and everything within
the message is clear and correct. Within being clear and
accurate, a quiet environment is ideal. Some classrooms, or
most, do not have a quiet atmosphere which could interfere
with the communication between student and Speech
Recognition technology.
3. Another way Speech Recognition Technology could be used is
when traveling. Many tourists need guidance when exploring
new places. As for being used for bad, I assume one can use
misinterpreted voice recognitions against someone else. Are
use it as their own for personal gain. However, despite these
possibilities, I do not foresee anything to be wary of, at this
moment. I see this technology merely as an aid in transcribing

voice to create, in this case, effective communication between
student and teacher. Also, to help those who will need voice
recognition technology to help them advance their education.


Virtual Reality, a type of XR technology, was seen as most useful

within the research. I chose this technology because it makes it
easier for students to be able to experience, in a way, or be able to
time-travel back into older centuries. It also seems promising to keep
students engaged and gives them hand on experiences.

For each prompt – provide 1 – 2 paragraphs on your research

experience using each technology.

1. This technology would definitely change the way students learn

for the better. It would be easier for them to see what exactly
is being described to them during lectures. It would give
students more depth to certain ideas and help create a vivid
imagine of old times. With that being said, students will remain
engaged and participate more because of the virtual
experiences that they were able to encounter.
2. Downfalls for this type of technology would be the price. There
are different types of VR headsets and the prices vary. Yet,
many of them are expensive and some schools do not have the
3. This type of technology would help give new perspectives to
new environments. It could also help make some VR’s that
could help predict future events. There is so much good that
could come from using this type of technology and there are
little to none short comings.


The technology of IoT would be the various devices. This would help
communicate without the hassle. It also makes it easier to have files
wherever you go.

For each prompt – provide 1 – 2 paragraphs on your research

experience using each technology.

1. The IoT technology helps within the classroom to draw

conclusions better. It also helps with communication and
getting the correct information relayed. As for actual usage, it
will be good for experience technologies within the classrooms
and its capabilities.
2. Short falls would definitely be access to this type of
technology. Not many schools have the funds for technologies
to equipped all of their students which is upsetting. Also, when
actually using the technology, its own performance might also
be a downfall. Such as the speed to relay messages. Even its
reliability could be questioned depending of the depth of what
it was being asked to do.
3. IoT can be used to keep communication within a group of
people or individuals. It allows for that communication without
having to drive far, unless one needs internet to be able to use
this technology. In short, it is convenient and for the most part
accessible. Yet, with using this type of technology, there could
be serious downfalls. For instance, the privacy between one
and the technology could be hacked, and personal information
could be leaked. Hacking is seen through often with user who
frequently use IoT so it is important to build tall and hard walls
around their software to ensure their privacy and safety is


From researching and learning more about the different types of

technology, it was easy to see how much growth is yet to come. Yet,
within these technologies, there were some ups and downs. As for
AI technology, there was always the risk is misinterpretation and
delays when trying to communicate a message. Yet, it proved to be
significant in aiding students to better communicate and learn better.
As for XR technology, the biggest down fall was availability. Many
schools do not have the funds to provide these learning aids and it
makes them less assessable. These provide insight and can allow
students to make connects from what they learn to what they see.
IoT technology was also seen and beneficial in communication
between people, even when they are not together. However, the
biggest downfall was the problem that privacy could be hacked, and
information could be lost.

It is obvious that the future holds a lot of improving and beneficial

technologies. As long as developers can ensure the privacy and
safety of technology users, there is no reason not to move forward.
Likewise, there is hope to make these technologies more assessable
to classrooms. Aside from that, more affordable as well. Any
technologies are very costly which makes it impossible for some to
get their hands on. For the future, as mentioned before, there is only
room for growth and improvement in the flaws that these
technologies hold today.


I personally have not had the chance to learn with these types of
technologies. I wish there was this level of technology as I went to
school. It would have been amazing to see early civilizations through
VR technology to better understand what was being taught. Yet, I
believe it would make it easier to get though lessons having these

types of aid to clarify any misinterpretations. Learning exactly how
these technologies work was a little difficult because of the science
behind it. Many complexities go into these technologies to make
them less complex while using. I think I would learn the same with
these types of technologies but my understanding and connection
making could be improved depending and what technology I decide
to use. Learning how to better use the technology for my own needs
to improve my learning would make the technologies way better to
use as an aid.


Before trying to introduce students to learning through these types
of technologies, I would find it best to learn without the knowledge
of them first. Only to ensure that the critical thinking skills can
develop in the student before relying on technology to do the
thinking for them.

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