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*A cold breeze from a passage in the south fills this large natural cavern, and brings to your

noses the faint scent of decaying flesh. The flame in Eudora's hand casts harsh shadows, sharply
angled, across wide swathes of the chamber.

A crevasse divides the cavern in two from north to south, and is flanked by two rough stone
columns that support the 20ft high ceiling. Two arched wooden bridges span the chasm.

Directly across each of the bridges, to the west, is another passage, glimmering faintly with
torchlight. To the north also is what looks like a storeroom, lit by torches and finished with
dressed stone block walls and a flagstone floor. Many more barrels line the walls of the
storeroom, along with a number of crates, straw for packing, hammers, pry bars, and nails.*

(Map updated.)

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