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People use the word ‘’ stress ’’ interchangeably with other terms such as worry,

anxiety, fear, impatient, and anger. But stress is at its heart our conviction that we won’t

be able to cope with the challenges we’re facing. Some psychological studies stress is

most widely defined as the body's response to external events that somehow upset one's

internal balance or make a person feel threatened. In fact, according to some experts the

psychological concept of ‘’ stress ’’ as something originating in a person’s mind should

be retired . The idea that many physical and psychological problems come from social

conditions not always within an individual’s control. Anything which poses some kind of

threat and challenge upon us is known as stress. We use the word stress in such

conditions when we feel “it’s too much”. We start to think either we will be able to

handle the workload or situation ( Nordqvist 2009 ). It is a reality which we have to

face in our everyday life .

Nowadays some teenagers lack of self-confidence and they are not believing in their

self that they can solve their problem. They think negative ways which lead them to

stress. Acute stress is the most common type of stress. It’s your body's immediate
reaction to a new challenge, event, or demand, and it triggers your fight-or-flight
response. As the pressures of a near-miss automobile accident, an argument with a family
member, or a costly mistake at work sink in, your body turns on this biological

There are situations when we start to feel ourselves out of help and start to

disturb emotionally and other stressors. Many people consider stress as an incident happen
to them such as injury or job loss ( Centre 2010 ). Others think stress is some kind of

changes which happen to our physical body, behavior and mind or over thoughts about

situation. Undoubetedly many of us could do with more peace of mind, but stress is a

natural part of being human. It motivates us, provokes change, and encourage learning.

Sometimes it’s healthy to embrace what stress has to offer. From a biological point of

view the effects of stress can be positive, neutral or negative. It is impossible to predict

the stress levels for an individual. Still children, teens, students, working parents and

seniors are among the groups that confront most stress factors related to life transitions.

All teens experience some amount of stress, and some stress can even be healthy. Many

teens, however, struggle with significant stress levels that interfere with learning, relationships,

and other areas of functioning. Stress can manifest in different ways, and some symptoms of

stress normal teen behavior. It is a central concept for understanding both life and

evolution. Learning and memory can be affected by stress. Although an optimal level of

stress can enhance ability, too much stress can cause physical and mental health

problems, reduce self-esteem and may affect the academic achievements of the students.

Student’s academic learning and performances can be affected by many factors such as

gender, age, teaching staff, family’s economic condition, family’s social status, total

study hours, and accommodation of them ( Pritchard, 1996 ).

For many young adults, school is the best time of life. These critical years can also

be undermined by depression, anxiety, and stress. Students are very likely to experience

some or many stressors which may test their ability to cope. Adapting to a new

environment, balancing a heavy workload, making new friends, becoming more

independent, and dealing with other issues. Adolescence is a stage of human development

that occurs between childhood and adulthood. Due to fast physical and mental

development at this stage, students may experience incompatibility of their life.

In today’s modern society a lot of different pressures affect the students heavily such

as financial pressure, maintaining their good grades, completing their degree on time etc.

Academic performance is concerned with the quantity and quality of learning attained in

a subject or group of subject. Students commonly self-report experiencing on going stress

relating to their education specially on those who are in higher section, which refer to

as academic-related stress, such as pressure to achieve high marks and concerns about

receiving poor grades. The pressures of getting top grades, balancing extracurricular

activities with studying, and spending time with family all add up. In addition, students

manage another identity in the digital world. Social media platforms are one more thing

to keep up with and are often life with stress-inducing comparisons, gossip and bullying.

It is also worth noting that stress is an part of student-life; as it takes a toll on most

students' physical health, emotional well being, and academic performance. Some people

are better able to handle stress than others. And, not all stress is bad. In small doses,

stress can help you accomplish tasks .This study has an obejective to inform every

students about the effects of stressing on their academic performance.


This study aims to know the effects of stress on students academic performance

specifically it sought to answer the following questions.

1.What is the profile of the respondent as to:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Section
d. General Average 1st Quarter

e. General Average 2nd Quarter

e. Year level

2. How does stress affect student’s academic performance?

3. To what extent does stress affect student’s performance and experience in school?

4. How do you feel when you are stressed?


Their is a significant effect between stress and students academic performance. The
goal of stress s is not for students to live in a fantasyland where they never encounter issues
that cause real distress.


The outcome of the study is to identify the effects of stress on the students

academic performance. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to

change the world. It is one of the most essential virtues in the life of an individual.

Therefore this study is significant to the collaboration of the students and those people

aroun him/her in achieving a better future.

 DEPED – The DEPED is the executive department of the Philippines Government

responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and improving the quality

of basic education. They could get an idea that stress has an impact in the
students academic performance in school so that the devise methods of measuring

success in order in create plans for improvement.

 Teachers- Our teachers is a person that gave as not only the knowledge but also

inspiration to live. They care about our future in life, like our parents do to us.

The teacher can know what could be one of the cause that lead to some students

bad performance in school and they will consult the parents of the students. It is

important to work with the parents to come up with as many possible solutions

to the problem .

 Parents- Parents care about their child’s educational performance because they

believe good results will provide more career choices and job security for their

children. They could develop self-awareness to their child’s performance in school.

A relationship between parents and children is very important because the child

will learn that their parents care will comfort them when they are distressed, and

they will develop a sense that they are worthy of being love.

 Student –This research is focus on students academic performance. This study is

also benefits in students for able them to develop their self-awareness among

themselves to know the negative effect of stress in their academic performance in

school and their health. By reading this reseach they can find ways to improve

their academic performance and to maintain their healthy lifestyle.

 Future researcher- Futures research can be defined as a systematic study of

possible future events and circumstances. This study is to give them an additional

information about the effects of stress in academic performance of the students.


This research examines the impact of stressing on student’s academic performance

among Grade 10 students of Carlos L. Albert Highschool. The main objectives were to

ascertain or identify the extent to which stress affects students’s academic success, as

well as to inquire and bring to light measures to counteract the effects of existing stress

in students. The possible limitation of this research is the collection of primary source of

data. This study was held inside of the campus in Carlos L. Albert Highschool and the

respondents of this research are the selected 45 of grade 10 students of Carlos L. Albert

Highschool. This study will focus on the effects of stress on academic performance of

the students.


 Stress- a state of metal tension and worry caused by problems in your life.
 Stressor- A stressor is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition,
external stimulus or an event that causes stress to an organism.
 Acute stress- Acute stress disorder is a psychological response to a terrifying,
traumatic, or surprising experience.
 Anxiety- Is a feeling of uneasiness and worry, usually generalized and unfocused
as an overreaction to a situation that is only subjectively seen as menacing.
 Depression- is a state of low mood and a version to activity.
 Incompatibility- the quality or state of being incompatible.

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