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It is true that there has Active and Passive people ,in

our society, school, home, etc. Everyone has feelings, but the same
things they can make different people feel totally different. Some
people love to have time alone. Others feel lonely if they are on
their own for even a short time . Some people like spiders and
others feel afraid of them.

Passive people, there are more non sociable they always

want to be alone because they work by their own .They don’t
need help of others because they think that they can’t focus if
there is someone who is making them upset .For Passive people it
depends to other what are they going to do like think before
the matter.

In school there are many who are like this in my 12

years of studying in school I encountered many like this . When
I saw passive people I always think this question that how can
they lived like this ?.They always in the mute stage but im
amazed that many of them are intelligent. Now I can answer my
question that they are lucky because there are more possibilities
that they lucky in their life someday.

Active people, this is the opposite of passive people .Active

people is like me I think why? because I think that active people
is like they are more active in socialize. They are friendly means
the are caring for another person and trying to do things that
will please that person .

They work harder .That they are active in outdoor

activities such as sports .They always think of others but they
can’t show what them is or who they is. That they don’t know
what fake is. But active people also has weaknesses that they
can’t lived by their own that they need others who can stay by
their side such as friends, family .

They are different in every day’s live. This is active and

passive people they are opposite but they has same goals in life .
They do it to have a successful life with their family. And to show
what work hard is.

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