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Summary-Generation ‘’Y’’

The article scrutinizes the approach of young people towards advertisements, which
needs to adjust to the upcoming trends to survive on the market.
The author presents the “Y” generation as world citizens, who value independency and
individuality. Soon, they will form 47 % of the society, that’s why those people feel that the
world needs to quickly alter to their necessities and so do advertisements. They don’t plan
their life in a long-time perspective. The job they perform should be satisfying and they value
work life balance. “Having means being”-this sentence is the one which summarizes their
Which marketing tools should be used in relative to people, who appreciate technology,
implement new challenges every day and are multitasking? Those traditional commercials
are dull for them and they don’t trust the information given. The author has no doubt that
the approach towards the media has to be changed. Young people ought to be treated as
creators of the brand, so then products would satisfy their needs. Interactive marketing is
very helpful in accomplishing new media strategies. The internet message should be simple,
understandable and clear-cut, which did for example Red Bull.
Nowadays the companies that are creating the commercials shouldn’t miss the fact that
world citizens are always busy and a product that is offered to them should be specially
adapted for their needs. The clients should be treated individually to prepare marketing
strategies for approaching generation “Z”.

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