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The Safe Detox Protocol

for Dogs and Cats

(and their people, too)

Studies have shown that our animals are exposed to hundreds more toxins and at
higher rates than humans not only through the food, water and air, but also
through their feet, noses and skin. And, I realized decades ago this overwhelming
load of toxins our animals carry has created a huge decline in their health and

So the question is not whether we should detox, but what is the most efficient way
to do so.

Detoxification has always been a central part of my practice and this protocol is
the distillation of much testing for a safe, practical way to help your animals start
their cleaning cycle and revitalize their health.
What is detoxification?
Detoxification is the process of eliminating unwanted and dangerous
substances from our bodies. The liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system,
and skin are constantly detoxifying our natural waste products every
day. With our overwhelming exposure to hundreds of chemicals
throughout our lives, it’s important for our companion animals to have
some assistance with detoxification.

Why detox?
• It keeps our bodies functioning at optimum capacity.
• It cleans metabolic wastes created from daily living processes.
• It cleans environmental pollutants, food, drugs, water, toys, bedding, etc

Does my animal need it?

Probably. Animals are exposed to many toxins through their feet - on the ground,
asphalt, grass, polluted water. Through their noses - sniffing everything. Through
the food and water they drink - often tainted. Without a daily shower, they can’t
rinse toxins off the skin. Pharmaceutical drugs, food toxins, topical and oral
pesticides, treats, etc., are only a few of the daily exposures our animals must
neutralize and excrete.

Will it be uncomfortable?
No, the purpose of this detox is to gently support the body in it’s natural process of
detoxification. You can go as slowly as needed, depending on the health of the
animal. If issues occur, decrease the dosages to 1/2 the suggested amount. Always
give MCS-2 with Beta TCP. They work best together and you’ll avoid most
uncomfortable reactions.

How do these products detoxify?

The detox protocol helps the body improve the elimination of toxins by three
• improving the two phases of liver detoxification
• improving the health of the digestive system to help elimination
• improve kidney function to help elimination

What to expect?
You might see some detox reactions such as a lower energy, mucus in the stools,
itching of skin or ears, or a slight decrease in appetite. These are normal reactions
as the body switches into a housecleaning cycle. Symptoms should pass within
days. If you are worried, decrease the amount of product by one half for a few
days. If that doesn’t work, decrease again; or give every other day at the halved

Go as slow as your animal requires. This is not a race. You might have to slow
down to a crawl for one animal, but not for another. It all depends on their health,
food, water, etc.

How long will it

I suggest a one to three month period
to start, depending on the medical
condition and health of the animal.
Because this is a gentle detox process,
the longer term use of these products
should not cause any problems, and
will support overall health. If you
prefer, and your animal exhibits signs of health and vitality after the initial phase,
you can decrease the amounts, and use the products for one week a month, or
one month in a quarter. Almost any option will help maintain optimal functioning
of the body. See the chart below for options.
Options for Detox Protocol
Options Healthy Dogs & Elevated Liver Elders with Itchy Skin,
Cats Enzymes Various Aging Discharge in Ears

Option 1 1 month minimum, 1 month to start 1 month, then 3 months, then

then 1 week a then ongoing for 3 ongoing at low ongoing at low
month ongoing months dosing dosing

Option 2 1 week a month, ongoing daily to 3 months, then 1 month, then

ongoing support liver ongoing at low every other week,
health, repair dosing ongoing

Option 3 1 week a month 1 week a month, 1 week a month,

ongoing ongoing ongoing

How will you know when to stop?

This depends on the response to the detox, the health of the animal, and the daily
exposure to toxins. If the animal is on clean (possibly organic) food, lives in a
community with low pollution levels, gets plenty of exercise, drinks filtered water,
has no pesticide exposure, has clean toys and bedding, then a detox protocol may
only be required for one month.

What other things should I do?

• Exercise - daily exercise, whatever your animal desires or can tolerate. If they are
lethargic for a few days during the detox, do not push them. Allow them plenty
of rest, but also encourage moderate walks to move the circulation and stimulate
bowel movements.
• Bowel movements - make sure your animal has at least 2 bowel movements a
day. During the detox, the body uses the kidneys and the bowels for elimination
of fat-soluble toxins. Bowel movements must be regular and complete. Add 1-2
tablespoons of pumpkin or sweet potato to the diet to add healthy fiber and
soften the stool.
• Urination - make sure your animal has at least 3 urinations a day. The kidneys
play an important role in eliminating water soluble toxins.
• Clean, fresh, raw food - this paper cannot adequately cover the topic of feeding
a fresh food diet; but simply put, what good would it be to spend the money and
the time on this detox protocol without improving a diet that might be putting an
additional toxic burden on your pet?
• Clean, fresh, filtered water - make sure to purify your city tap water which may
have aluminum, fluoride and other toxins. It must be an available free choice at
all times to help flush the kidneys.
• Detox bath - bathing your animal at the start and the end of the detox is helpful
to remove toxins that are excreted through the skin (the largest detox organ in
our bodies).

What’s in the protocol?

The Metabolic Clearing System 2 is a two-hits-in-one detox formula. The liver
cleanses the blood in two phases. Both phases must be functioning correctly for
the body to eliminate toxins acquired from the outside world
and from normal metabolic functions of the body.

These phases are dependent on simple vitamins such as A, C, E,

B’s, amino acids, glutathione, and antioxidants. Botanical
support in the detox pathways are liver and kidney protective,
and include Milk Thistle, Lycium berries, Cleavers, Burdock,
and Red Clover.

Beta TCP
Organic beet concentrate with antioxidants and enzymes to help
thin the bile, making the movement through the liver smoother.
This helps MCS-2 to remove toxins more easily. The two products
work best if given together.
Studies have shown that beneficial bacteria are capable of degrading
pesticides and sequestering toxic chemicals. Lactobacillus, a
common bacteria in the gut of humans and most animals, has the
ability to bind and detoxify some of these substances.

These simple, yet powerful, friendly bacteria also provide immune

modulation, improve digestion, increase beneficial organisms,
soothe the gastric lining by decreasing inflammation, and improve
emotional well being.

Antioxidants are an important part of vital health in today’s
stressed world. This product provides a wide array of antioxidants
and synergists, ranging from vitamins and minerals to
phytochemicals and enzymes. These broad spectrum antioxidants,
emulsified vitamins, natural mixed carotenoids, etc., provide a
rich source of nutrients to further enhance detoxification and
support overall vital health. Every animal can benefit from
antioxidant protection.

Why use Biotics Research Products?

I’ve used lots of different products in 35 years of practice, and have yet to find one
as clean as Biotics. Their FDA inspected, pharmaceutical-grade facility, is state-of-
the-art in it’s testing of every ingredient pre, during and post manufacturing.
Testing of raw ingredients includes 148 different assays for heavy metals, yeast/
mold, bacteria, potency and biological activity. Many standards at Biotics exceed
the cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices) and the recent FDA guidelines
for dietary supplements.

Yes, these are human-oriented products, so you can take them too! I highly
recommend them because of their quality. Although they are not in the chewable,
liver flavored form, as many animal products are, I want the cleanest, most
bioavailable products to help your animals detox without adding any burden on
them from supplements. Most products do not match my vetting process. Biotics

Dosing Guidelines
These are guidelines; so feel free to decrease the dosage to half the suggested
amount for the first few days, gradually increasing over one to two weeks.

Dosing Guidelines
Tiny Toy Dogs/ Small Medium Large Giant Pet
Dogs/Cats Cats Dogs/Cats Dogs Dogs Dogs Parents
under 5 5-10 lbs 10-30 lbs 30-50 lbs 50-90 lbs 90 plus (Humans)

MCS-2 1/4 cap 1/4 cap/ 1/2 cap/ 1 cap/day 1 cap - 1 cap - 1 cap -
every other day day twice/day twice/day twice/day

Beta-TCP 1/2 tab 1/2 tab/day 1 tab/day 2 tabs/day 3 tabs/day 3 tabs - 3 tabs -
every other twice/day twice/day

BioDophilu 1/4 tsp 1/4 tsp 1/4 tsp/day 1/4 tsp/day 1/2 tsp/day 1/2 tsp/day 1/2
s-FOS every other every other
day day

BioProtect 1/4 cap/ 1/2 cap/ 1/2- 1 cap/ 1 cap/day 1 cap - 1 cap - 1 cap-
Plus day day day twice/day twice/day twice/day
How do I give these supplements?
Any of theses supplements can be given the same as you would any other pill but I
suggest you give the capsules whole for the large dogs. Opening the capsules and
sprinkling on their food will alter the taste of the food which could turn them away
from their meals. I also don’t recommend putting the pills directly down their
throat - no matter how ease this may be. That method has inherent problems and
we want your animal to enjoy taking their detox supplements!

My favorite method is to put the whole pills or tablets in a meat ball or the most
delicious soft treat they love. These steps work well in my home:

• Make sure they are hungry. Give the pills just before feeding, at meal time.
• Make the meatballs with the pills.
• Make an extra meatball without any pills - this is the last treat.
• Tell them what you are doing and that they should just swallow the meatball,
then quickly follow with a pill-less meatball. Give lots of praise!
• Give them their regular meal.
• That’s it!

If your animal will not take meatballs try cheese balls. If they will not take any pill
at all you will have to open the capsules and mix the contents in some food. I
suggest you use a stinky, very desirable food such as sardines or a very, very clean
canned cat or dog food. If they adore this food they will enjoy taking their
supplements. Make sure they are hungry and the amount is small enough that they
finish the entire ‘treat.’ This method works well for small dogs and cats where you
must open the capsules.

The probiotics can be sprinkled and mixed in any meal.

Can I take these supplements too?

Yes, yes, yes! The beauty of using these super clean nutraceuticals is that you can
have a family detox!

This detox protocol will open the liver detox channels, start to heal the gut, and
provide ample antioxidants to help hormonal problems, seasonal allergies, skin
ailments, improve mental clarity, to name a few. And who wouldn’t like to feel
better and cleans the body at the same time?

Can I reorder the supplements

Yes, these are always available to you. Keep them as part
of the healthy lifestyle regime for you and your animals.
You can reorder here.

What’s the next step?

You’ll discover with this e-book how to further help the
body detox with specific foods, detox bathing,
supporting colon health, homeopathic remedies, kidney
detox. It also includes how your animal are exposed to
toxins and what you can do to avoid the initial

The Detox e-book is almost ready for prime time so

click here to be the first to get it.

My Mission
I think our careers choose us rather than the other way around. Somehow I was
pointed in the direction to serve the amazing animals that share our lives and this
beautiful planet. Lucky me! For 35 years I have had this honor. My mission is to
help educate and support every pet parent who wants to understand the simple
principals of creating vital, sustainable, awesome health for your furry family.

Throughout these decades I’ve watched their health decline and chronic illness
increase. I realized the most pressing issue they are facing is the overload of toxins
in their bodies, Whether from food, water, vaccines, drugs, pesticides or the
environment, they are being assaulted.

My work with Holistic Medicine has made me acutely aware of the challenges
you face when it comes to maintaining and restoring health in your animals. I
have found that working with Mother Nature using homeopathic medicines,
nutritional supplements and fresh foods, their bodies can heal beautifully - IF, the
toxic overload is reduced.

This detox protocol is a formulation to help any animal (and their humans) relieve
some of the stress on the body that our modern, polluted world imposes.

For more about my story go to

……working with Nature to help you create radiant health for your pets.

© 2015 Dee Blanco, DVM

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