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SPE 71037

Reserve Estimates for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Arthur R. Briggs, SPE / A. R. Briggs & Associates

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

porosity.(1) Figure 1 is a schematic diagram depicting a dual
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology porosity fracture-matrix reservoir.
Conference held in Keystone, Colorado, 21–23 May 2001.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
The principal methods of reserves determination;(2) i.e.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to analogy, volumetric method and performance analysis apply
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at to dual porosity reservoirs as well as to single porosity
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of systems. Each of these methods is applicable based upon the
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is information available to the reserves estimator at the time the
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous estimate is made. All reserve estimates contain some degree of
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
uncertainty. Reserve estimates may be modified from time to
time as the amount of reliable geologic and engineering data
increases and the interpretation of these data changes.
Reserves estimates in naturally fractured reservoirs present a
unique challenge to the reservoir engineer. Reservoir storage
capacities and thus reserves in a fractured reservoir come from In applying analogy the reserve estimator must consider
similarity of well spacing, geologic age, rock and fluid
two major sources: fracture capacity and matrix capacity.
properties, depth, pressure, temperature, pay thickness, and
Most fractured reservoirs consist of a combination of these
two capacities. reservoir drive mechanism. Analogy can be applied on a direct
well to well or on a unit recovery basis. Analogy using simple
Defining area of drainage in a naturally fractured reservoir well-to-well comparisons may be the least accurate and
presents another challenge. Fractures often contribute most of reliable of reserve estimating techniques, however, it can
provide valuable input into reserve estimation by furnishing
the delivery capacity in a fractured reservoir. Drainage area in
unit recovery for the volumetric method or by serving as a
a naturally fractured reservoir is oriented along open fracture
systems with significant areas included from nearby reservoir quantitative check on performance results.
rock containing appreciable matrix porosity and permeability
and intersected by the fracture system. Horizontal drilling, It also appears valid that analogy can also be applied on a
fracture-by-fracture basis for horizontal wells. Initially, the
which is usually oriented in an attempt to intersect several
reserves estimate can be obtained by estimating the number of
open fracture systems, adds another dimension to the problem
of defining area of drainage and delivery capacity. open and interconnected sub-vertical fractures (n) that have or
expected to be intersected by a horizontal leg of length (l). The
This paper investigates the application of the major types of projected reserves for the horizontal leg will then be the
reserve estimates including analogy, volumetric, and product of the number of fractures and the analogous recovery
per fracture determined from other similar horizontal or
performance analysis to naturally fractured reservoirs. Sample
vertical wells in the area. The number of open sub-vertical
illustrations and calculations for typical reservoirs will be
reviewed and discussed. fractures in a vertical or horizontal well must be determined
from careful analysis of drilling and sample logs or by
application of specific logging devices designed to identify
Introduction fractures in the wellbore. For purposes of analogy in a
Discovery and development of naturally fractured reservoirs fractured reservoir a vertical well is assumed to penetrate only
has increased dramatically during the past 15 years. Rapid one sub-vertical fracture unless there is specific information to
advances in horizontal drilling technology have spurred on the contrary. Table 1 presents an example of an analogous
much of this activity. Naturally fractured reservoirs present a reserve estimate for a horizontal well using information
unique challenge to the reserve estimator in that they are often gathered from similar vertical and horizontal wells.
complex combinations of fracture porosity and matrix

Table 1
Example of Reserve Estimate Using Analogy
to the remainder of the reservoir. Values for porosity and
Vertical and/or Horizontal Wells to Horizontal Well water saturation may also vary widely between the fracture
and matrix components. Fractured reservoirs are complex
Total All Average Per Reserve systems that require special attention in preparing reserve
Analogous Analogous Estimate estimates using the volumetric method.
Description Wells Fracture By Analogy

Similarity of Reservoir Yes Yes Yes

Some work has been done to help analyze volumetric factors
for naturally fractured reservoirs.(1)(6)(10) Aguilera has
Number of Measured / calculated bulk volume fracture porosity for various fracture
Expected Fractures 15 1 4 systems. Bulk volume fracture porosity is defined as the
fraction of total reservoir volume occupied by open and
Oil Recovery - Barrels 1,000,000 66,667 266,667
interconnected fractures. According to Aguilera bulk volume
Gas Recovery - MCF 2,400,000 160,000 640,000
porosity for fracture systems ranges from 0.5% to 1.5% of
bulk reservoir volume. Howard, et al has developed a method
for estimating fracture porosity and permeability from small
samples in a fracture system. Porosity estimates from this
study are consistent with those developed by Aguilera.

The reserve evaluator must concern himself with fractured

reservoir limits, both vertically and horizontally. In some
Horizontal Well cases vertical reservoir boundaries may extend into adjacent
beds that serve as source rock for the reservoir. Fracture trends
may extend great distances from producing wells. In some
Fractu instances wells on trend have exhibited interference over
res several miles. In general, drainage areas for wells in fractured
reservoirs are larger than for wells in single porosity reservoirs
due to fracture permeability. Also, drainage areas in horizontal
Figure 1 wells tend to be larger than for vertical wells in the same
Schematic Diagram of Dual Porosity Reservoir
reservoir because of increased reservoir contact.

Volumetric Method After all these factors are considered an initial volumetric
Volumetric reserve estimates for naturally fractured reservoirs estimate of reserves can be prepared. Separate estimates for
may be prepared much the same as for predominately matrix fracture reserves and for matrix reserves may be prepared and
(single) porosity systems with a few exceptions. First, the consolidated as shown in Table 2. These volumetric estimates
reserve estimator must determine if the reservoir has a single should be compared to estimates using analogy or
or a dual porosity system. For a dual porosity system the performance analysis, if available. Analogy and volumetric
reserve estimator must determine the reservoir volume for the reserve estimates are generally preliminary in defining
fractures and the matrix segments of the reservoir. The ratio reserves for fractured reservoirs when compared to reserve
that the fracture reservoir volume bears to the total reservoir estimates using reservoir performance analysis.
volume (fractures plus matrix) is called the partitioning Ta b le 2
coefficient.1 Next, the volumetric parameters of water E x a m p le V olu m e tr ic R e s e r v e E s tim a te
C om b in a tion F r a c tu r e -M a tr ix P or os ity R e s e r v oir
saturation and formation volume factor are applied separately
to the fracture and matrix portions of the reservoir to arrive at F r a c tu r e M a tr ix C om b in e d
original hydrocarbons in place. Then recovery factors are De s c r ip tion P or os ity P or os ity P or os ity

applied on a separate basis to arrive at estimated reserves. A v e r a g e Th ic k n e s s - F e e t 125 10

Table 2 shows an example of a volumetric calculation for a A r e a l E x te n t - A c r e s 320 80
R e s e r v oir V olu m e - A c r e F e e t 40000 800 40800
dual porosity reservoir. E f f e c tiv e P or os ity - P e r c e n t 0.5 10.0 0.7
Tota l P or e V olu m e - A c r e F e e t 200 80 280
P e r c e n t of Tota l 71 29 100
In fractured reservoirs the parameters for effective area,
effective thickness, effective porosity and effective water W a te r S a tu r a tion - P e r c e n t 10 40 N/A
saturation are substantially different for the fracture H y d r oc a r b on P or e V olu m e - A c F t 180 48 228
F or m a tion V olu m e F a c tor 1.25 1.25 1.25
component and for the matrix component. Reservoir height, O il in P la c e - S toc k Ta n k B a r r e ls 1,117,152 297,907 1,415,059
area, and shape are strongly determined by fracture orientation
R e c ov e r y F a c tor - P e r c e n t 75 15 N/A
and interconnection. In many cases the areal extent of the V olu m e tr ic R e s e r v e s - S TB 837,864 44,686 882,550
matrix component is dependant upon the interconnectedness
of the fractures that intersect the matrix and ultimately connect

trend forecast also establishes a future production forecast.

Figure 2 shows schematic rate-time curves for Type A, Type
P r e d o m in a n tly M a tr ix P o r o s ity
B and Type C fractured reservoirs as described by
M ix e d P o r o s ity
Aguilera.(1) In general, the greater the relative volume of
P r e d o m in a n tly F r a c tu r e
matrix porosity the more the rate-time curve “flattens out” and
the longer lived the reserves become.
R ate

In naturally fractured reservoirs the decline curve method is

not accurate until the flow between the fracture and matrix
portions of the reservoir are in equilibrium. This equilibrium
may take an extended period of time. Other production trend
analysis techniques including water/oil ratio data, oil cut vs
cumulative production, production rate vs cumulative
production and gas-oil ratio vs cumulative production may
Tim e
also be used effectively in estimating reserves from naturally
fractured reservoirs.
Figure 2
Schematic Rate - Time Curves Reservoir modeling or simulation can be considered a
For Dual - Porosity Reservoirs
complex material balance. Instead of a single-tank analysis,
reservoir simulation divides the reservoir into several adjacent
Performance Analysis tanks called cells or grid points. The resulting network of
Presently accepted methods of performance analysis to predict simultaneous equations for each cell requires computer
reserves include: material balance, decline curve analysis, solution. The outcome of the analysis depends upon the
special well tests and reservoir simulation.(2) Often several availability and quality of data. The outcome must still be
methods are applied in the same study to furnish independent subject to judgment by an experienced reserves evaluator.
methods of analysis for the same problem. All of these Great care must be taken not to extrapolate results of reservoir
methods require gathering of reservoir performance data over simulation beyond reasonable limits.
time before the analysis can be reasonably applied. Each
method has specific strengths and weaknesses. Special care All methods of performance analysis for estimating reserves
must be taken in gathering and applying performance data in are applicable to naturally fractured reservoirs. In addition, all
fractured reservoirs. reservoir performance methods require information that is
often only available as the reservoir is produced. While
Accuracy of material balance method depends upon correct reserve estimates based on performance analysis are often
estimation of average rock and fluid properties, aquifer size more accurate than those based on analogy or volumetric
and characteristics, and especially average reservoir pressure. methods, results should be compared with results from the
Fractured reservoirs require special attention to the other methods, if available, to check reliability and
compressibility of fractures as well as the compressibility of consistency of estimates. Whenever possible more than one
the reservoir rock. Failure to consider the high relative method should be used to estimate reserves. This is especially
compressibility of fractures in material balance calculations true in complex, dual porosity reservoirs often associated with
can result in a significant overstatement of calculated oil in natural fractures.
place. When exact fracture compressibility is unknown, an
estimated value equal to 10 times the compressibility of the Conclusions
reservoir rock usually gives reasonable results.(1) The Naturally fractured reservoirs are usually complex, often dual-
material balance method works best in high permeability porosity reservoirs requiring special handling in preparing
reservoirs with good pressure communication. Fractured reserve estimates. The reserve estimator must consider the
reservoirs often contain matrix porosity segments with relative number of open fracture systems in the observed
extremely low permeability. Long-term shut-in periods are well(s) compared to the expected number of open fracture
often required on special well tests to determine the presence systems in the subject well(s). All reservoir properties between
and extent of dual porosity systems in naturally fractured the observed wells and the subject wells must be checked for
reservoirs and to obtain true average reservoir pressure. consistency with appropriate adjustments in order to obtain
reasonable reserve estimates using analogy.
Production-decline curve analysis is the most frequently used
method for estimating producing reserves in all types of Volumetric estimates of reserves in naturally fractured
reservoirs including naturally fractured reservoirs.(2) reservoirs are made more difficult by the multi-porosity
Production-decline curve analysis assumes wells are storage systems in many fractured reservoirs and the irregular
producing at capacity. This method also has another advantage shape of fracture drainage patterns. Porosity, permeability and
over analogy/volumetric methods because the decline curve water saturation usually vary widely from the fracture system

to the matrix system. Dividing reserve estimates into fracture 8. Bourbiaux B., Granet S., Landereau P., Noetinger B.,
and matrix segments and then adding the results together Sarda S., and Sabathier J.C. “Scaling Up Matrix-Fracture
present a simpler method for arriving at volumetric reserve Transfers in Dual-Porosity Models: Theory and
estimates for these type reservoirs. Application” SPE 56557 prepared for presentation at the
1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
Performance analysis methods are directly applicable to held in Houston, Texas, 3-6 October 1999.
naturally fractured reservoirs. Care must be taken to consider
the compressibility of the fractures separate from the 9. Adams S.J., “Fracture Porosity from Conventional Logs
compressibility of the reservoir rock. Decline curve analysis with Image Tool Calibration” SPE 64408 prepared for
should be used only when the reserve estimator feels confident presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas
the fracture system and the matrix porosity system are Conference and Exhibition held in Brisbane, Australia,
producing in equilibrium. 16-18 October 2000.

Results of any analysis can be used to modify input 10. Howard J.H., Nolen-Hoeksema Richard C., “Description
parameters and expected results for any other estimate. More of Natural Fracture Systems for Quantitative Use in
than one reserve estimation method should be used whenever Petroleum Geology”, American Association of Petroleum
possible and results compared and analyzed before the then Geologists Bulletin, Vol 74, No. 2, February 1990, pp
current or combined estimate is presented. 151-162.

References 11. Narr Wayne, “Estimating Average Fracture Spacing in

1. Aguilera, Roberto, “Naturally Fractured Reservoirs” Subsurface Rock”, AAPG Bulletin, Vol 80, No. 10,
(Second Edition), PennWell Publishing Company 1995. October 1996, pp 1565-1586.

2. Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, Monograph I

(Second Edition), “Guidelines for Application of
Petroleum Reserve Definitions

3. Stowell, Julia, “Specifying Lengths of Horizontal Wells

in Fractured Reservoirs”, presented at 2000 SPE/PS-CIM
International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology
held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 6-8 November 2000.

4. Lai C.H.; Bodvarsson G.S., Tsang, C.F., and

Witherspoon, P.A. “A New Model for Well Test Data
Analysis for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs” paper SPE
11688 presented at the 1983 California Regional Meeting
held in Ventura, California, March 23-26, 1983.

5. Aguilera Roberto, “Well Test Analysis of Naturally

Fractured Reservoirs” SPE 13663 published in SPE
Formation Evaluation, September 1987.

6. Hensel Jr. W.M. “A Perspective Look at Fracture

Porosity” paper SPE 16806 presented at the 62nd Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition of SPE held in
Dallas, Texas September 27-30, 1987.

7. Aguilera Roberto, and Ng Michael C. “Transient Pressure

Analysis of Horizontal Wells in Anisotropic Naturally
Fractured Reservoirs” SPE 19002 published in SPE
Formation Evaluation, March 1991.

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