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Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo State College of Fisheries

Dumangas Campus


Submitted by: Precious Grace Deanon Descalsota


Submitted to: Roberto Delariarte


GENEROSTY is an act that could change the world. It works its magic on one

person at a time;

Generosity is the trait of being willing to give your money or time

Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When
you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity
is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of
spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better
place if more people showed generosity to others.

Generosity in general terms means goodness. The bitter truth is that in this 21st century, it is hard to
find a generous individual but a ray of light is always present amidst the darkness around. A genuine
individual possesses certain distinct characteristics.


I. A generous individual will always respect the old and show love and care for the young.

II. A generous individual will always have mercy for the poor and any other individual who suffers from
any kind of disability.

III. A generous individual will never break the rules and code of conduct of any institution or any
organization whether or not he or she is associated or disassociated with the same.

IV. A generous individual will always have the progress of his or her society and nation as a whole at
heart instead of just fulfilling their own desires and selfish interests.

V. Whatever the circumstances be, a generous individual will never show disrespect and anger even to
individuals who deserve such treatment. Instead of finding fault in others, generous individuals find fault
in their own selves as a result of which they mold and adapt themselves to such situations.

VI.A generous individual does not blame the external situations or people for any wrong situation in his
or her life. Such individuals understand the fact that they themselves are responsible for the mishaps in
their lives instead of blaming others.

Generosity is not God- gifted. It is an attribute that an individual develops with time. In most of the
cases, a family is responsible for making and breaking a generous individual. If a child grows up in
circumstances where the attribute of generosity is visible in the parents and among the family members;
he or she is bound to turn into a generous individual.

Peers also have a great influence in building the attribute of generosity in an individual. If on the other
hand, the parents, family and the peers do not possess the character of generosity; it is tough that an
individual understands the significance and necessity of being a generous individual. We are always told
to work hard and be honest if we want our nation to progress.
But we fail to understand the fact that generosity is as important as any other positive attribute in an
individual. If we take a close look into the lives of successful individuals, such as Bill Gates, Warren
Buffett, Laxmi Mittal, Steve Jobs and the like, we will find one attribute as being common among them;
the attribute of generosity.

Generosity brings balance in the life of the individuals as a result of which they are bound to achieve
unimaginable success in their lives. We should understand the fact that though it is a bit difficult to be
generous in all the situations in life but at the end generosity bears the fruits of peace, success and
happiness in the lives of individuals


The Dalai Lama famously said, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be
happy , practice compassion.” The same is certainly true for generosity! Generosity — the quality of
being kind and understanding, the willingness to give others things that have value — is often defined as
an act of selflessness; however, studies are now showing that generosity is actually (selfishly) in your
best interest. Practicing generosity is a mental health principle, and it could be the very key to a happy
and healthy life.

Year after year, more and more studies are highlighting the benefits of generosity on both our physical
and mental health. Not only does generosity reduce stress, support one’s physical health, enhance one’s
sense of purpose, and naturally fight depression, it is also shown to increase one’s lifespan.

If a longer, less stressful and more meaningful life is not enough to inspire you to rev up your practice of
generosity, consider that generosity also promotes a social connection and improves relationships.
According to Jason Marsh and Jill Suttie of the Greater Good Science Center, “When we give to others,
we don’t only make them feel closer to us; we also feel closer to them.” This is because being generous
and kind encourages us to perceive others in a more positive light and fosters a sense of community, a
feeling of interconnectedness.

Being generous also makes us feel better about ourselves. Generosity is both a natural confidence
builder and a natural repellant of self-hatred. By focusing on what we are giving rather than on what we
are receiving, we create a more outward orientation toward the world, which shifts our focus away from
ourselves. While maintaining a healthy level of self-awareness and sensitivity to oneself is important,
too often we narrow in on ourselves with a negative lens. We spend too much time listening to the
“critical inner voice“ in our heads, which scrutinizes our every move and nags at us with negative
thoughts towards ourselves and others. These negative thoughts undermine our confidence and can
lead to self-sabotage. Being generous distracts us from the critical inner voice’s barrage of nasty
thoughts and creates a strong argument against it as well. When we see someone else benefiting from
our kind actions, for instance, it is hard for the inner voice to argue that we are worthless.

Give something that is sensitive to the other person.

Generosity is most effective when the gift you offer is sensitive. Think about what the other person
wants or needs. It’s not always about material things; it’s about being giving of yourself. Sometimes just
being present and available to a loved one who is having a hard time is the greatest gift you could
possibly give.

Accept appreciation.

It is important to be open to the people who express appreciation toward you. Generosity is a two-way
street, allowing someone to express their gratitude is an important aspect of generosity and part of
what makes you feel closer to them. As researchers in the Department of Psychology at University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered, “The emotion of gratitude uniquely functions to build a
high-quality relationship between a grateful person and the target of his or her gratitude, that is, the
person who performed a kind action.” So it is important to not brush off a “thank you” with comments
like “Oh, it was nothing.”

Accept the generosity of others.

Some people have a much easier time being giving than receiving. However, it is important to let others
do things for you. I call this the generosity of acceptance. Being pseudo-independent or self-denying
robs your loved ones of the opportunity to feel the joy of giving. Accepting the generosity of others may
make you uncomfortable if you felt unlovable or unworthy in your early life. Generosity is often an act of
love, and, though it may seem counterintuitive, many people respond negatively to being loved.

Show appreciation.

Remember that gratitude is an important part of the equation. Show your appreciation for the
generosity that is directed toward you, even if you feel shy or uncomfortable. Resist the temptation to
say things like “This is too much,” or “You shouldn’t have.” Instead just say “Thank you!” Or, better yet,
let the person know what their generosity meant to you. Generosity is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Each day life presents us with hundreds of opportunities to be generous; by making a lifestyle out of
generosity, we can do ourselves and others a world of good.

Goodness people with generosity never break the rules and commitment. Some people believe that
generosity helps the people in positive way while other believe that it creates negative image to the
people and it should be overrated. I believe kindness can give successful future and it helps to win the
people hearts.

Firstly, people who have generosity will be very friendly and close to everyone. Many successful people
are attributed the generous of love to others and became successful in life. For example, the successful
persons like micro soft CEO was shown kindness to their employees at work place, where the employees
have support to share the creative thoughts about the work by the goodness.

Secondly, the growth of a child will be very good if the care takers are showing the generous at him/her.
If a child grows up in circumstances where the attribute of generosity is visible in the parents and among
the family members; he or she is bound to turn into a generous individual.

In conclusion on this, generosity brings the balance in the life of individual as a result of which they are
bound to achieve unimaginable success in their lives. We should understand the fact that though it is a
bit difficult to be generous in all the situations in life but at the end generosity bears the fruits of peace


There are very few people who don’t like the idea of generosity. We are indeed a species that loves to
help others and confront needs when we see them. Unfortunately, there are also very few people who
are content with the level of generosity in their lives. Most people I know wish they were able to give
more. And while there are a number of reasons that this may be the case… sometimes the best solution
may be the simplest.

To that end, there are a number of simple steps that we can take to make generosity more intentional in
our lives. If you have never given away any money or time, this would be a great way to get started (no
matter what your current economic situation is). On the other hand, if you are just hoping to raise the
level of generosity in your life, you will also find some of these simple steps to be relevant and helpful.

1. Consider the benefits of generosity.

2. Embrace gratitude.

3. Start really small.

4. Give first.

5. Divert one specific expense

6. Fund a cause based on your passions.

7. Find a person you believe in.

8. Spend time with people in need.

9. Spend time with a generous person.

10. Live a more minimalist life

Generosity rarely happens by chance. Instead, it is an intentional decision that we make in our lives. But
it does not need to be as difficult as many people think. Sometimes, starting with the simple steps is the
best step that we can take.


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