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Thaís Nadine Cardoso Francisco

October 16 Today I went to the hospital at the morning, prepared the nursing room and attended
some patients. I met a lot of people and one patient, Mrs Zely invited me to visit her house one day In
Mage. She loves plants just like me and so we spent a lot of time talking about it.
Another patient called Maria was in my sector. She was accompanied by her sister who works at the
hospital in another sector. I love my profession.

October 20 Today I went to Seropedica and worked at a private party. I didn’t know if you
remembered but I'm bartender and sometimes my clients ordered creative drinks. I’m very proud
because I used my creativity and created a lot of wonderful combinations, as they said. In general, I
make traditional drinks like Caipirinha with sugarcane liquor and lemon, or other fruits like orange ,
strawberry, pineapple, kiwi, mandarin or mango. Some clients also enjoy drinks with vodka or gin
combined with fruits and spices. I don’t like alcohol, but I L-O-V-E working as bartender!!!

October 25 Today was my birthday and I was not lively. I love birthday parties but only when they
aren’t mine, because I can’t gather all the people I want. If I could go back in time, I would be
organizing a big party since weeks ago, with barbecue, songs like Samba, MPB, R&B and Funk. I
have always loved to dance every rhythms and I would definitely dance all the songs that played with
my friends and my family. I knew if that had happened, I would be was VERY HAPPY and satisfied.
In this year I was sad because I thought things in my life should be less complicated. My house wasn’t
a good place to celebrations because I have some conflicts with my parents. My dad didn't
congratulate me on my birthday and it made me sad.

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