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Reflection of Construction Module

Cassidy Stevens

1. Implementation of feedback:

From the feedback I received from my peers, I would make a few small changes to my
project. First off, I would fix my organization of my slides. I would make the design of the quiz
neater and look cleaner. I could fix this by adding more elements like borders and align the text
up with one another. Another small thing I would fix is for one of my slides, I put if you would
prefer your coffee black when I should have said if they prefer their coffee less sweet. Having
that would make it an easier choice to choose due to having the coffee black means it is
completely free of any sweeteners and creams.

2. Learning Reflection:

This project helped me work on my skills with technology such as Microsoft PowerPoint.
It also has helped me see what I need to work on when talking about my skills on revision and
iteration. If i did this project over again, a few things I would change is the designing. I would
also fix the way I set up my slides in PowerPoint. I would make sure to like each answer to the
correct page before I start writing my answers to the questions or choices.

3. Alternative Use / Future directions

For future use, I could definitely see myself using similar applications to create
demonstrations for my classroom. For example, I could make a game like jeopardy that is
themed to current lesson plans and use it as a game to refresh students on questions that may
pop up on tests or quizzes. This type of project is very helpful for people in a teacher setting.

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