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Public spaces are spaces in which people can get an opportunity to interact with peers

and their community around them. There are different public spaces in which certain
values, beliefs and etc are acceptable and others that aren’t as acceptable. In the right
space people are able to freely express themselves while others space are more
conformed. A movie theatre is a public space to enjoy a paid movie with family and
friend, however, without the same arrangement as abled people the movie theatre
incorporates psychoanalysis and disability; therefore, people need to be more aware of
the isolation that is being presented unintentionally.

A movie theatre is a building where people view entertainment on a big screen.

Theatres are placed in which they cater to the public with the purchase of a ticket. You
can buy popcorn, candy, slushes, and etc. so you can be involved in the movie theatre
experience. You are also able to see a movie first handed before it comes out in a dvd.
It's Almost like a Library where you sit quietly but in this space you are allowed to eat.

In many places, there are not many handicap accessible things which makes it harder
for a disabled person to be involved with simple life tasks. Disability is a condition that
makes it difficult for a person to do certain activities. At movie theaters, there are often
sections for the disabled but they are often isolated from the rest of the people. You are
either in the back or in the front and aren’t even able to pick whichever seat you want
like an abled person. You are confirmed to the seats that are handicap. There are also
only maybe around two seats available near the person who is disabled which does not
allow many people to enjoy a movie with their friend or family member because of the
estimated guess. They're also only like two or three spots that are opened for the

Thought a psychoanalysis lense the disabled person must be affected in some way.
Psychoanalysis the treatment of a mental disorder that investigates the interaction
through unconscious and conscious elements. The disabled person being isolated from
other peers and standing out can cause trauma from ever enjoying a movie in theatres.
My main question to you is Have you ever wondered why you rarely see disabled
people enjoying a movie? Probably because they isolate them to one spot and away
from others. This doesn’t allow them to feel like an abled person just like enjoying a
movie without attention and the thought of standing out from the rest. In Tyson on page
12, he states “The unconscious is the storehouse of those painful experiences and
emotions, those wounds, fears, guilty desires, and unresolved conflicts we do not want
to know about because we feel we will be overwhelmed by them.” This quotes explains
where painful or unpleasant memories go to which is unconscious. The unpleasant
feeling of not getting the full-on experience as an abled person to a movie theatre can
create trauma which will create a certain attitude towards the movie theatre. This will
keep a continuous cycle of disabled people feeling special which should be the case.

The importance of people with disabilities having the ability to be treated the same way
as an abled person allows them to also have a great experience. The emotions that a
disabled person must go through every day knowing that they aren’t as much as a
priority in certain stores and movie theatres make it not as enjoyable to go out. This
makes them less likely to want to go out and enjoy certain experiences. There is a need
to create more spaces that will allow the disabled to feel more comfortable in different
environments and not be worried about whether the store will Accommodate things for

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