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issue 36 reads:

Another serious (software) change (as of the last week in sept): Starting with t
his file I use
that shite Billy bully s word software since the UvA is phasing out (more like they
were cajoled
succesfully ). my beloved Netscape (somebody get me back on a Linux run Composer p
Whaddaya know; it doesn t reciprocate, switching back poses serious problems (irr
verbose bloat code). -:::xxx:::- On the bright side however, it does allow me
to make longer
files easier since I can work on faster machines (till januari; after that, who
knows????). The prfr
will now be .docs (and bigger too in general could someone please give me some
about the margins are US vs EURO A4 formats still slightly different????) ----
- hi-liting text
keeps all the colourdistinctions visible though it changes them all too (into
pleasant suprises and inspirations). Working with one colour minimizes numbe
r of
necessary clicks. undoing can be done a serious number of steps back; multiple
(be)for(e) a paste seem possible ----- Big minuses: YUK!!!! When you scroll it
along out of control and there is no callibration for it nor can you place
the cursor
somewheres and select a slab with shift mouseslap BLEHCH!!!!


were my indy files (36-40) made with word?
... that is to say, I am not sure if I made them with Word ... in fact ... i am
pretty sure i didn't . .. . so then started converting files they sa
ve to Word code (starting somewhere in 2002 (though i just saw a dead site from
2003 that didn't have that sacrilege perped upon them, another though, namely ba
ck ups of the commercial name owners/overtakers/takeoverers ... veroveraar is co
nquerors in dutch), .. cause later version of 28 are Word encumbered, burdened a
nd bloated but earlier ones are not). Gosh Josh, and here i am thinking and appa
rantly in vain, hoping that archive org is an idealist outfit.

Problem with 36 - 41 (last issue) as found at archiveorg (with the wayback machi
ne) might then be that they were created/saved post Billy Gates take over/infilt
ration, respectively the sell out cq succesfull bribing of these so called ideal
ists. .......
Well, meanwhile i have had time to check and must simply conclude that there are
no versions old enough to escape this fate. Period. Another reason to see and s
ave earlier work of mine through there only. If you do at all of course. Please.
Issue 8 was thought to be missing till i found out march 2001 of the logbriefer
series got counted as 8 (2001) and half of it is indy derived blogging (avant la

Saw 2 black salamanders on a perilous, half washed out path by a river with the
size and colourwise prettiest collection of gravel you ever wanna see yesterday.

Another thing i sort of regret doing myself yesterday (nothing to do with saving
versions of my work in time cause unlike for mentioned files, i do have backups
of originals for these) and stop doing today is turning most white text in the
older indy files grey (while setting the monitor darker is the more sensible thi
ng to do).

Truth is, once i realized the following, use of Word became an almost daily prac
tice (weened myself from it now though .. sort of, once every few months i make
a huge batch of print outs):
9-26.htm (was 71K, now erased, came to 15 pages in Netscape)
9-26.doc (88K; same text but white margins minimized, came to 7 pages!!!!!)

On a monday the 28th of may snow falls in Schangnau ...... and i explain in and
outs regarding the (Arguelles Tweak Of) Mayan Calendar (hereafter ATOMC) to a fe
llow Wwoofer (from Korea who like a true asian won't divulge his birthday) that
he better beware of a particular brand of timers he is perilously close to (seei
ng that the emailadres of his host is tipi13_20 (at yahoo).
The symbolfarmers (known variously as kin, pan family, dreamspellers and other a
s yet unceasing reinventions) are fishing in my rainbow pond (not that i ever ca
ught as much .. .or no wait, rather, exactly bycause i never caught as much as i
would have liked but thought i could either), they try the borrow, ride and sur
f on the waves of awe, reverence and accuracy derived charisma surrounding such
things as Futhark, Quran, knowledge of Sirius, etcetera.
Looking closer though, one can't help but notice they add their spices, little t
wists, perfectly patentable, a homegrown crop of symbols, fresh batch every year
.... which pull and divert you away from their stated goals (peace and garden c
ulture) with and into an interminable tangle and profusion of symbol shufflery (
mind ((over matter)) games).
I mean, what's the difference between Sirius and Mekka?
Just look at the atrocious patriarchality of Dogon and Quran toters both, their
is so little difference that one has to resort to resemblances to even say anyth
ing about them at all beyond their obvious racial variation (and who cares about
which rung of the diffusion ladder we now and/or once occupy or in what sequenc
es we settle and migrate if we can't come up with a sensible concept of borders,
limits, obstacles challenges and aims in the first place? Personally i don't th
ink half of even the simplest stuff Arguelles dreams up and promotes to galactic
inherence makes any sense).
The Dogon, those purported to have plugged into that divine source, and the Qura
n (same thing, Sirius is the only star mentioned therein so how the man (Khalifa
) who has turned all its bloodthirsty text into Eichmannesque numbers (convenien
t, clean ((mathematical miracle, 19 code)) and clansomely kinlike no?) translate
d with galaxy is someting our intergalactic emissaries gearing up to win worldwa
r4 hands down with telepassionthy is something even they find inaccurate, not to
mention what havoc it will play with the meticulous 'gematrickalculations'.
Anyway, before this turns into another rant at these idiots who recruit amongst
i love as much as all of you politically motivated would do good wooders (rainbo
w family to wit) I must return to the explanation for why i returned to my attem
pts at understanding and pointing a way out/in for/to peaceful worldtop proteste
rs including the socalled black block .. .but not before one last stab at them.
According to a man named Aaron in South Africa (who may or may not be the man re
sponsible for and who reproduces a guy named Blum's traditional/
archaic interp of the runes (talk of sacrifice and decision doesn't really get (
(THROUGH)) to the G8, no matter how much it may appeal to the poor and oppressed
) unquestioningly. Decision is meant to have an ultra- and/or microlocal radial
righteous/upright and straight up version to reflect its true meaning (urteil =
verdict but also most ancient share, separate, aim; vor gericht = in court; rich
tig = right; Dutch gerechtigheid = justice, etcetera, all tying in to my humble
gospel of humility/humus, climate cycles and most purposeful, costeffective and
enjoyably forceful effort application). --xxx-- Also, before I rant on about the
drawbacks of the calendar crowd yet again, I would like to mention a positive t
ake (wholly besides and apart from their matri like tzolkin and such do o so res
emble the manymash screens folds, filters and layers i so hotly desire to produc
e that cold multiash my mama gaia is telling me to cool her heals with, so well!
... did osho ever do calendars? And what made Dan Winter drop them so consequen
The fact that Quran lovers, Dogon etcetera are so thoroughly on the wrong side o
f the sexual paradox (see Chris King's work with that title and dot org url name
) does constitute some sort of challenge in the tradition of wiedergutmachung, r
eparation, repatriation, demobilization, apart from that or rather not so far ou
t in fact, is the parallel effort of the anti-G8 crowd to contest their turf (no
t to mention legitimacy).
Bold and brave heading to the lion's den, naive idealists straying into the hear
t of the monster, belly of the beast etcetera, ..... time to repeat my plea to t
he G8 masterminders and puppetplayers: QUIT FUCKING UP MY BIRTHDAY with your pro
vocative show of strength and pompous ceremoniality, socalled consensed as in vo
ted for and thus sanctioned decision diddulldo deadlying.

lokkertjes die haren tenberge doen rijzen

slokkertjes die hen grijs en drabhankgerig doen zijn
klokkertjes waardoor/langs/mee ze je hen uit je kop doen rukken

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