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Communication Module Reflection Questions:

1. Implementation of feedback:

If I were to revise my first attempt at a podcast and turn it into a regular podcast, I would change

a few things. First, I would find a better device to record my podcast on since the audio from the

last podcast was not the best quality. I would also create more questions but go in depth more

with them.

2. Learning Reflection:

I learned that I need to have smoother transitions in my editing. While I originally cut out the

parts where I made small mistakes, sometimes, the transition was a little choppy and I could

make that better if I ever plan on making another podcast.

3. Alternative Use / Future directions

I could use technology in a way not previously considered by using a better recording software to

record my podcast. Could also upgrade my current laptop for one that records sounds better. I

could also buy microphones that are used for the purpose of recording sounds.

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